13 August 2017

Lecture #12a: Enumeration of Blood Cells

The different laboratory examinations used in the investigation of blood disorders may be grouped as:

A. Basic Hematological Tests

1. Measurement of Hemoglobin
2. Enumeration of Blood cells (cell counting)
3. Examination of blood cell morphology
4. Measurement and calculation of absolute values and blood cell indices
5. Determination of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
6. Determination of Hematocrit value or Packed Cell Volume

B. Test for blood cell morphology

C. Examination of blood cell morphology

D. Diagnostic and Ancillary Tests for the Investigation of Hemostatic Disorders

E. Diagnostic and Ancillary Tests for the Investigation of Hemolytic Disorders

F. Diagnostic and Ancillary Tests for the Investigation of Red Cell Pathology

G. Miscellaneous Tests for the Investigation of White Cell Pathology

H. Test for Miscellaneous Blood Diseases

This chapter deals with the second basic hematological test included in the above mentioned list. It includes the enumeration of erythrocytes, leukocytes, eosinophils, basophils reticulocytes and platelets. Enumeration of blood cells should be distinguished from the term Complete Blood Count which does not only involve blood cell count but rather include the following basic tests:

1.     Hemoglobin determination
2.     Leukocyte count
3.     Erythrocyte count
4.     Differential Leukocyte count
5.     Stained Red Cell Examinatio
6.     Hematocrit determination

Differential leukocyte count and stained red cell examination are included under the examination of blood cell morphology

LEUKOCYTE COUNT – LEUKOCYTE NUMBER CONCENTRATION                                       

The number of leukocyte contained in 1 liter of blood is called the leukocyte number concentration. In traditional units, it is expressed as the number of cells per cubic millimeter and is called the leukocyte or white cell count.

In the total leukocyte count, no distinction is made among the six normal cell types (neutrophils and bands, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils). Although each cell type has its particular function in defining the body against foreign threats, here we are concerned with the total leukocyte concentration in the blood.


This method consists of diluting the blood and dissolving the red cell, transferring a small portion of the solution to a counting chamber, counting the white cells with a microscope and making the calculations.


1. White blood cell diluting pipette
2. Rubber sucking tube
3. White blood cell diluting fluid
4. Hemocytometer (counting chamber) and coverglass
5. Cotton balls and alcohol
6. Puncturing device (skin or venipuncture)
7. Microscope
8. If venipuncture is to be employed, blood should be collected with anticoagulant, preferably EDTA should be used.

White Blood Cell Pipette

The Thoma type of glass pipette is most widely used. This consists of graduated capillary tube having a volume of one unit with calibrated markings at unit. Above the capillary tube is a mixing bulb, containing a glass bead (white). Above the bulb is a capillary tube with an engraved mark “11.” The bulb has a volume of 10 units.

In making a white cell count, blood is drawn up to 0.5 mark and diluting fluid to the 11 mark. Since the last diluting fluid in the graduated capillary stem does not mix with the blood in the bulb, it does not enter into the dilution of the blood and is therefore discarded before the count is made. The actual dilution then is 0.5 to 10, or 1:20.

If very low counts are suspected, the blood may be drawn the 1 mark instead of the 0.5 mark, thus giving a 1 to 10 dilution. If there is insufficient blood to reach the 0.5 mark, the sample can be taken at any mark below 0.5 and suitable correction mad for the increased dilution. For example, if blood is drawn to the 0.4 mark the dilution is 1:25 in a white cell pipette.

Rubber sucking tube

The rubber tubing attached to the pipette should be at least 10 inches long, so that the pipette is far enough from the eye to enable one to read the graduations.

WBC diluting fluids:

1. 2% Acetic acid with Gentian violet

Glacial acetic acid – 2 ml
Gentian violet – 1 ml
Distilled water – 100 ml

2. Turk’s diluting fluid

Acetic acid – 2 ml
Methyl violet – 1 gtt
Distilled water – 100 ml

3. 1% HCl

Hydrochloric acid – 1 ml
Distilled water – 100 ml

Note:   Gentian or methyl violet is used to stain the nuclei of the cells and thereby aids
            in the identification of cells.

The leukocyte diluting fluid is a hypotonic solution which lakes the red cells but preserve the white cells.

Hemocytometer or Counting chamber

Numerous types of counting chambers with various types of markings have been designed. The type which is most widely used at present is one made of a single piece of colorless glass with two separate elevated counting platforms, each having the Improved Neubauer ruling. The platform of which the engraved lines are placed is surrounded by a moat. On each side of the platform there is an elevated glass on which the coverglass is placed. The distance between the counting surface and the bottom of the coverglass is 0.1 mm. This is sometimes referred to as the depth of the chamber. Diluted blood is introduced by capillary attraction between the counting platform and the coverglass.

The improved Neubauer type of ruling consists of a system of squares. There is a large square measuring 3 x 3 mm (9 sq.mm.) divided into 9 intermediate squares, each 1 x 1 mm (1 sq.mm.). The four corner squares which are used for WBC count, are divided into 16 medium squares, measuring 0.25 x 0.25 mm. The central sq.mm is redivided into 25 medium squares, each one of which measuring 0.2 x 0.2 mm. Each one of these medium squares is subdivided 16 small squares which measure 0.05 x 0.05 mm. The total number of small squares in the central area is 400. As a rule, 5 of the medium squares are used for erythrocyte count.

The ruling in most counting chambers is so designed that the medium squares or 16 small or tiny squares each are enclosed by triple lines.


1. Diluting the blood

The dilution of the blood for white cell count facilitates the counting process by suspending and dispersing the white cells. It dissolves the mature red cells, since the erythrocytes greatly outnumber the white cells and would therefore interfere in the count.

The standard procedure is to draw blood to mark 0.5 of the leukocyte pipette and the WBC diluting fluid to mark 11. This gives a 1:20 dilution.

The ratio of dilution may vary.

2. Charging the counting chamber

A representative sample of the diluted mixture is transferred to a counting chamber. Prior to charging the mixture in the pipette should be well mixed by shaking the pipette in any manner except along the longitudinal axis. The first few drops coming from the capillary stem should be discarded because these drops are cell–free. Shaking along the longitudinal axis has to be avoided because it causes the admixture of the cell–free fluid in the stem with the diluted blood inside the bulb.

3. Counting the cells

Before counting the cells, students are advised to make a study of the uncharged counting chamber to familiarize themselves with the ruling of the chamber
After charging the counting chamber, let the cells settle for 1 to 2 minutes so that all cells are in the same plane. Using the low power objective, locate and scan the ruled area. If there is a good distribution of cells, start counting. If not, clean the counting chamber and recharge. Count the cells within the 4 corner squares (4 sq.mm.) with 16 medium square each.

4. Making the calculations

Since the cells in 4 sq.mm. have been counted and the dilution is 1:20 and the distance between the counting chamber and the cover glass is 0.1 mm (depth). The number of white cells per cu.mm. or per microliter is calculated by the following formula:

# of WBC counted in x          Area c.f.          x          depth c.f         x          dilution c.f.
            4 sq.mm.

=          number of WBC/cu.mm or microliter (conventional unit)

Number of WBC/cu.mm        x          0.001   =          x 109/liter

            Area used in white cell count – 4 sq.mm
Area correction factor – ¼
Depth of counting chamber – 0.1 or 1/10 mm
Depth correction factor – 10
Dilution correction factor – 20

Variation in technique:

1. In leukopenia, draw blood to mark 1 and the diluent to 11; the ratio of dilution then is 1:10. In the above formula, instead of using 20 as the dilution factor, use 10.

2. In leukocytosis, draw blood to mark 1 or 0.5 of the RBC pipette and the diluent to 101; and the ratio of dilution is 1:200 (if blood is up to 0.5) or 1:100 (if blood is up to 1). In the above formula, change the dilution factor accordingly.

3. If big 8 squares were used (4 in each ruled platform), that means the cells were counted in 8 sq.mm and the corresponding area correction factor is 1/8 and in the above formula, change the area correction factor accordingly.

Note:         The following is suggested to avoid confusion in counting the cells that lie on
                  borderlines; cells that touch any of the three lines or the single line on the left
                  and the top borders of the small squares should be counted as though they were
                  within the squares, but those that touch any of the lines on the right and the
bottom borders of the small squares should not be counted. In this way, no cell is counted twice.

                        Normal values           

                        Adults                                     5 to 10 x 109/liter
                        Infants at birth           10 to 25 x 109/liter
                        1 year                          8 to 15 x 109/liter

Correction of leukocyte count in the presence of predominating number of nucleated or immature erythrocytes

On a stained blood smear examination, one may sometimes see predominating number of immature or nucleated erythrocytes. If this is so, the leukocyte count computed as previously described should be corrected because it is erroneously high. WBC diluting fluid causes hemolysis or mature red cells only and nucleated or immature RBC are not destroyed by it. It is possible then that these nucleated red cells could have been counted as leukocytes and included in the total leukocytes count.

To correct the total leukocyte count, determine the number of nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) per 100 WBC on the blood smear and proceed with the computation using the following formula:

            No. of NRBC                x          Leukocyte count         =          Absolute number of NRBC
            100 + No. of NRBC                  (uncorrected)

            Uncorrected WBC count        –          Absolute no. of NRBC            =          corrected WBC count

Electronic method of leukocyte count

1. Coulter counter method

The white cells are suspended in a solution which is capable of conducting an electric current. This solution is then made to pass through a narrow opening between two electrodes. Since white cells do not conduct electricity, each white cell passing momentarily decreases a flow of current between the two electrodes. The decrease in current causes a voltage to drop in the line. The number of voltage drop in the line is the key to the count.

2. Sequential Multiple Analysis (SMA) method

In this method, the white cells are suspended in a solution. The solution is made to pass through an optical system which causes each white cell to generate an impulse. Each light impulse is then transformed into an electrical impulse. The number of electrical impulses is recorded and become the key to count.

3. Fisher Autocytometer Method

This method utilizes an optical counting system, in which each cell or other particle in the diluted sample appears as a bright spot of light against a dark field, as it passes through a “sensing zone” only 15 microns high. The high flashes of light are picked up by photo multiplier and converted to electrical impulses, which are totaled electronically and shown on the meter as the cell count in the original blood sample.

Diluents used in electronic counting (Leukocyte count)

1.     3% saponin solution
2.     Zaponin or zap–oglobin (Coulter counter)
3.     Cetrimide–citrate–saline solution

Ratio of dilution:        1:500; mixing 20 microliters of blood and 10 ml diluent

Advantages of electronic cell counter over the microscopic method

1.     Speed of performance
2.     Elimination of visual fatigue of the operator
3.     Improve precision

Leukcytosis – refers to an increase in the total white cell count above the upper limit of normal for age and sex.

a. Physiologic factors causing leukocytosis

Strenuous exercise
Epinephrine injections
Anxious emotional reactions
After meals
During pregnancy
Diurnal variations being lowest in the morning and rising gradually in the course of the day

b. Pathologic leukocytosis is caused by disease. An increase in circulating leukocytes is rarely due to a proportional increase in leukocytes of all types. This is usually caused by hemoconcentration and may be called balance leukocytosis. Leukocytosis is usually due to an increase of only one type of cell and is given the name of the principal type of cell increased, such as neutrophilic leukocytosis (neutrophilia), monocytic leukocytosis (monocytosis), lymphocytic leukocytosis (lymphocytosis), eosinophilic leukocytosis (eosinophilia) and basophilic leukocytosis (basophilia)

Absolute and relative counts

Example:         A patient’s differential count shows 30% monocytes and 70% neutrophils; and
                        his total Leukocyte count is 10,000/mm3

            His relative monocytes count is 30% and his absolute monocyte count is 30% x 10,000
            = 3 x 109/liter

            His relative neutrophil count is 70% and his absolute neutrophil count is 70% x 10,000
            = 7 x 109/liter

Absolute leukocytosis – if the total number of any cell per cu.mm. is increased or if the leukocyte number concentration is increased.

Relative leukocytosis – if only the percentage of one type of cell increased because the other types of cells have decreased.

Neutrophilia or neutrophilic leukocytosis – refers to an absolute concentration or increase of neutrophils in the blood above normal for age. Causes:

1. Systemic infections due to various bacteria, fungi, spirochetes and fungi
2. Metabolic disturbances – uremia, diabetes
3. Drug intoxication
4. Physical and emotional stimuli – heat, cold, pain, fear, anger, muscular activity
5. Tissue destruction or necrosis
6. Hemorrhage
7. Hematologic disorders
8. Hemolysis

Eosinophilia or eosinophilic leukocytosis – refers to an absolute concentration or increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood. Causes:

1.     Allergic disease – bronchial asthma and seasonal rhinitis
2.     Skin disorders – atopic dermatitis and eczema
3.     Parasitic infestations
4.     Infectious diseases – scarlet fever, pneumonia
5.     Hemopoietic disorders

Lymphocytic leukocytosis or lymphocytosis – refers to an increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood. Causes:

1. Chronic infections
2. Viral infections – measles, infectious mononucleosis, mumps, viral pneumonia
3. Bacterial infections – tuberculosis, syphilis
4. Radiation
5. Blood diseases

Monocytosis or monocytic leukocytosis – refers to an increase in the number of monocytes in the blood. Causes:

1.     Viral infections
2.     Bacterial infections
3.     Rickettsial infections
4.     Protozoal infections

Basophilia or basophilic leukocytosis – refers to an increase in the number of basophils in the blood. Causes:

1.     Myeloproliferative disorders
2.     Allergic reactions
3.     Hypothyroidism
4.     Granulocytic and basophilic leukemias

Plasmacytosis – plasma cells are not normally present in the circulating blood, but may be increased in:

1. Chronic infections
2. Allergic states
3. Presence of neoplasms
4. In other conditions in which serum gamma globulins is increased
5. Moderately increased in cutaneous exanthemas, syphilis

The increase in plasma cells is usually linked with an increase in lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. These four cells form the antigen–antibody quartet.

Leukopenia means reduction in the number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood below normal.

1. According to etiology

a. Diminished formation of leukocytes due to bone marrow defect, radiation effect, effects of drugs.
b. Maturation arrest of white blood cells
c. Excessive peripheral destruction of leukocytes

2. According to cell type involved

a. Neutropenia

(1)   Drug intoxication
(2)   Ineffective granulocytopoiesis
(3)   Bacterial infections – brucellosis, salmonella infections
(4)   Viral infections – measles, rubella

b. Eosinopenia

(1)   Stress
(2)   ACTH administration
(3)   Acute inflammatory states
(4)   Hyperadrenalism

c. Basopenia – decrease in basophils

(1)   Acute infections
(2)   Stress
(3)   Following treatment with adrenal glucocorticoids

d. Lymphocytopenia

(1)   Impaired lymphoiesis
(2)   Acute pyogenic infections
(3)   After ACTH administration
(4)   Irradiation

e. Monocytopenia – decrease in monocytes

(1)   During therapy with prednisone
(2)   Hairy cell leukemia

Sources of error in WBC counting

1.     Error due to nature of the sample
2.     Operator’s error
3.     Error due to equipment
4.     Inherent field of error


The number of erythrocytes contained in 1 liter of blood is called erythrocyte number concentration. In traditional units, it is expressed as the number of cells per cubic millimeter and is called the erythrocyte or red cell count.

Microscopic method or manual or hemocytometer method

This method consists of diluting the blood, transferring a small portion of the solution to a counting chamber, counting the red cells with a microscope and making the calculations.


Same as those employed in leukocyte count with the exception of the pipette and diluting fluid. In the red cell count, the red blood cell pipette and isotonic diluting fluid are employed.

Red Blood Cell Pipette

Just like the white cell pipette, it consists of graduated capillary pipette or tube having a volume of one unit with calibrated markings at 0.1 unit. Above the capillary tube is a mixing bulb, containing a red glass bead. Above the bulb is a capillary tube with mark “101.” The bulb has a volume of 100 units.

In making a red cell count, blood is drawn up to 0.5 mark and the diluting fluid to the 101 mark. Since the last diluting fluid in the capillary stem does not mix with the blood in the bulb, it does not take part in the dilution and is therefore discarded before the count is made. The actual dilution then is 0.5 to 100 or 1 to 200.

If every low counts are suspected as in anemia, the blood may be drawn to the 1 mark, thus giving a 1 to 100 dilution. If there is insufficient blood to reach the 0.5 mark, the sample can be taken at any mark below 0.5 and suitable concentration made for the increased dilution.

RBC Diluting fluid

1. Hayem’s diluting fluid

Bichloride of mercury – 0.5 grams
Sodium sulfate – 5 grams
Sodium chloride – 1 gram
Distilled water – 200 ml

2. Gower’s solution

Sodium chloride – 0.85 grams
Sodium sulfate – 12.5 grams
Glycerin – 33.3 grams
Distilled water – 200 ml

3. Toisson’s fluid

This solution has a high specific gravity and stains the WBC

Sodium chloride – 1 gram
Sodium sulfate – 8 grams
Glycerin – 30 grams
Methyl violet – 0.025 grams
Distilled water – 180 ml

4. Dacie’s or formol citrate solution

This is considered the best diluent. It keeps for a long time and does not alter the shape of cells.

40% solution of formaldehyde – 10 ml
3% v/v trisodium citrate – 990 ml

5. Bethell’s fluid

Sodium sulfate – 5 grams
Sodium chloride – 1 gram
Glycerin – 20 ml
Sodium merthiolate – 2 ml
Distilled water – 200 ml

6. Normal saline solution or Physiologic Salt Solution

This is used in emergency case, in the presence of rouleaux formation and autoagglutinins of cells

Sodium chloride – 0.85 grams
Distilled water – 100 ml

7. 3.8% Sodium citrate

Sodium citrate – 3.8 grams
Distilled water – 100 ml

A good red cell diluting fluid should be:

1.     An isotonic solution
2.     A good preservative
3.     One that does not initiate the growth of molds and yeasts
4.     One with a high specific gravity
5.     One with buffer action
6.     Cheap and easy to prepare

Hemocytometer or Counting Chamber

1. Diluting the blood

The dilution of the blood for red cell count facilitates the counting process by suspending and dispersing the red cells. The standard procedure is to draw blood to mark 0.5 of the RBC pipette and the red cell diluent to mark 101. This gives a 1:200 dilution. The ratio of dilution may vary as the need arises.

2. Charging the counting chamber

Same as leukocyte count

3. Counting the cells

The same precaution in leukocyte count should be observed.
For the standard erythrocyte counts, using the high power objective of the microscope, count the red cell seen in 5 medium squares in the central ruled area. These 5 medium squares with 16 small squares each make a total of 1/5 of a square mm.

4. Making the calculations

Since the cells in 1/5 sq.mm are counted, the dilution is 1:200, and the depth of the counting chamber 1/10 mm, the number of erythrocytes/cu.mm. or microliter is calculated with the following formula:

#of RBC counted        x          area c.f.           x          depth c.f.        x          dilution c.f.
in 1/5 sq.mm

= counts in millions /cu.mm. or 1012/liter
      = 5.4 x 1012/liter

Area used in actual cell count     =          1/5 sq.mm
Area correction factor                 =          5
Depth of counting chamber                    =          0.1 or 1/10 mm
Depth correction factor               =          10
Ratio of dilution                           =          1:200 or 1/200

Variation in technique

1. In polycythemia or erythremia, when the number of RBC is markedly increased, the blood is drawn to 0.3 mark of the RBC pipette and the diluent to 101. This gives a ratio of dilution of 1:333.33 and in the formula the dilution factor varies accordingly.

2. In case the number of cells is markedly decrease as in anemia, the procedure may be modified by :

a. Sucking blood to mark 1 and the diluent to 101; the dilution is 1:100 and in the formula the dilution varies accordingly.

b. Sucking the blood in the usual standard manner but counting more squares other than the standard 5 medium squares and in the formula, the area factor varies accordingly.

If 10 medium squares are used = area factor is 2.5
If 15 medium squares are used = area factor is 1.67
If 20 medium squares are used = area factor is 1.25
If 25 medium squares are used = area factor is 1.0

Sources of error in RBC counting (microscopic method)

1.     Error due to the nature of the sample
2.     Operator’s error
3.     Error due to equipment
4.     Inherent error or field error

Electronic method of erythrocyte count

1.     Coulter counter
2.     Sequential multiple analysis
3.     Fisher autocytometer method

Normal values

            Male                            5 – 6 x 1012/liter
            Female                        4.5 – 5 x 1012/ liter
            Late pregnancy           3 – 5 x 1012/liter
            Birth                            7 x 1012/liter

Physiologic variation

1. Increase count in case of dehydration
2. Increase count in exercise or excitement
3. Newborns have higher count than adult
4. Women have lower count than men
5. Individuals living at higher altitude have higher count than those living at sea level

Pathologic variation

1.     Increase in polycythemia vera
2.     Increase in pulmonary tuberculosis
3.     Increase in acute poisoning
4.     Decrease in anemia, after hemorrhage
5.     Increase in pulmonary fibrosis

Polycythemia – refers to an increase in the concentration of erythrocytes in the blood that is above the normal for age and sex

Oligocythemia – refers to an increase in the concentration of erythrocytes in the blood that is below the normal for age and sex 

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