30 June 2016


A transfusion reaction is any unfavorable event occurring in a patient during or following transfusion of blood products that can be related to that transfusion. Since compatibility testing is performed for the detection of antibodies to red blood cell antigens, adverse effects of transfusion are most commonly caused by leukocytes, platelets and plasma proteins. In addition, every transfusion carries a risk of alloimunization as well as transmission of disease.

Major groups of transfusion reactions

I.    Immediate Transfusion Reaction

A.     Non–immunologic complications

1.     Circulatory overload

Sudden increase in circulating blood volume are not well–tolerated by certain patients particularly patients with cardiac pulmonary disease, very anemic patients or infants. Whole blood transfusion in these patients may cause dyspnea, coughing, pulmonary edema and cyanosis. If these symptoms develop, the transfusion should be stopped and treatment for circulatory overload instituted. If the transfusion has to be continued, patients with severe anemia should be transfused with concentrated red cells at a rate no faster than 70 – 100 ml/hr.

2.     Hypothermia

Hypothermia can result from the rapid (more than 100 ml/minute) transfusion of refrigerated blood. Large volumes of rapidly infused cold blood can lower the temperature of the sinoatrial node to below 30oC at which point ventricular arrhythmias occur.

Warming blood during massive transfusion can avoid the adverse effects of hypothermia, such as cardiac arrhythmia and enhance the body’s homeostatic mechanisms, which is being stressed. Warming of blood must be carefully controlled and should slow the rate of infusion significantly.

3.     Bacterial contamination

Bacteria may cause transfusion reaction in two ways: by producing febrile reactions due to pyrogens and toxins which are breakdown products of bacteria; or by causing serious, often fetal reactions, when the donor blood is contaminated with large numbers of living organisms. Even when the best possible precautions are taken during collections, it has been reported that approximately 2% of units are contaminated at the time of collection. Fortunately, most of these organisms do not survive the bactericidal action of the fresh donor blood stored at 4oC.

Septic reactions are often caused by psychrophilic organisms, that is, those capable of growing at low temperatures, e.g. Pseudomonas, Coliforms and Achromobacters. They are usually endotoxin–producing gram negative bacilli that can metabolize citrate as a sole source of carbon.

Contamination of the blood with bacteria may be grossly obvious, as the supernatant plasma may be dark brown or red and the cells may be obviously discolored. However, the infected blood may look normal both macroscopically and microscopically. Platelets stored at room temperature have been reported to cause bacterial sepsis following transfusion. When bacterial contamination is suspected, microscopic examination and culture of donor blood is indicated. When infected blood is transfused, symptoms appear quickly (10–30 minutes): chills, headache, vomiting, muscle pain, diarrhea and high fever. Prompt, energetic treatment is required.

Room temperature storage of platelet concentrates may increase the risk of significant bacterial growth. When fever and chills complicated transfusion of platelet which have been stored at room temperatures, contamination must be considered and investigated.

B.     Immunologic complications

1.     Febrile non–hemolytic reactions

This is due to cytotoxic antibodies or leukoagglutinins (leukocyte antibodies). If these antibodies are present in the recipient’s plasma, a reaction occurs between the antibodies and the antigens present on the cell membrane of transfused leukocytes or platelets

Non–specific leukoagglutinins, as well as those of HLA origin have been implicated in febrile reactions. Leukoagglutinins have also been implicated in a specific type of delayed reaction referred to as non– cardiac pulmonary edema syndrome.

The most common symptom is fever, often accompanied by chills, which begins during or soon after transfusion. With or without documentation of the existence of specific antibodies, the use of leukocyte poor preparations is recommended only after a patient has had two or more febrile non–hemolytic reactions.

2.     Anaphylactic reactions

Anaphylactic reactions occur in IgA deficient patients who have developed anti–IgA antibodies. Patients lacking the IgA have an increased risk of forming anti–IgA antibodies. Anti–IgA antibody formation can result from immunization due to previous transfusion or pregnancy.

Other potential cause of anaphylactic reaction is the presence of antibodies to soluble plasma antigens or to drugs contained in transfused blood such as penicillin.

Symptoms include nausea, abdominal cramps, emesis and diarrhea. Transient hypertension is followed by hypotension. Shock and loss of consciousness follows. Symptoms become obvious after the infusion of only a few millimeter of blood or plasma and fever is absent. These reactions can be prevented only use of blood preferably from donors lacking IgA or rendered free of IgA by thorough washing.

3.     Urticarial – non–specific allergic reactions

Allergic reactions are the second most common type of transfusion reaction. When the reaction is extensive or produces edema, it is referred to as anaphylactoid.

Allergic reactions are manifested by urticaria (hives) due to histamine release of mast cells, itching and local erythema but usually no fever. If the cutaneous reaction is extensive or produces oral, pharyngeal or laryngeal edema, it is known as anaphylactoid reaction.

Reactions can be well controlled with anti–histamines. In repeated or severe reactions, washed or deglycerolized frozen erythrocytes are recommended.  

4.     Hemolytic transfusion reaction

Immune hemolysis is usually the result of a reaction between an antibody in the recipient’s plasma and the red cells of the donor. Occasionally, it may be the antibody in the donor’s plasma that reacts with the recipient’s red cells. The red cell destruction may be intravascular, where the red cells are hemolyzed directly in the blood stream, by the action of antibody and complement, leading to the release of hemoglobin and other portions of the red cell into the plasma (e.g. ABO) or extravascular, when the red cells, after reactions with antibody, are removed by the reticuloendothelial system. This leads to hyperbilirubinemia but there is little or no release of hemoglobin into the plasma (e.g., Rho, Kell)

The clinical sign signaling hemolytic transfusion reaction will vary according to what type of destruction is involved. Intravascular hemolysis is accompanied by the immediate clinical signs associated with the substances released by the action of complement (e.g. histamine). There may be feeling of heat along the vein into which the blood is being transfused, flushing of the face, pain the chest or lumbar region, nausea and vomiting; vascular hemolysis may not be so dramatic; it may be manifested only as chills and fever several hours after the transfusion. In anesthetized patient, the only sign of a reaction may be an unexplained increase in pulse or increased bleeding.

Hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria may occur and severely affected patients can have complete renal shutdown. The acute renal failure is due primarily to low renal blood flow, which seems to be related to the antigen–antibody reaction and shock. Acute hemorrhagic diathesis often can be an outcome of a hemolytic transfusion reaction. It may be the only sign of such a reaction if the patient is anesthetized. Hemolysis may indicate disseminated intravascular clotting leading to the consumption of coagulation factors and fibrinolysis. Massive transfusions may also lead to bleeding by depletion of platelets and dilution of coagulation factors. Since the early signs of hemolytic reaction may be the same as those as febrile non–hemolytic reactions, chills and fever, etc. blood infusion should be stopped if the signs appear and investigation begins.

II.   Delayed Transfusion Reaction

A.     Non–immunologic complications

1.     Iron overload

Hemosiderosis or hypersiderosis is a condition wherein a heavy deposition of iron occurs due to hemoglobin breakdown. Patients at risk of iron overload include those with hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia and aplastic or sideroblastic anemias. Every unit of erythrocytes contains approximately 250 mg of iron. Jaundice or cardiac dysfunction represents manifestations of this condition. A recent approach to reducing the risk of transfusion–induced iron overload is transfusion with erythrocytes that have been enriched with young erythrocytes, neocytes. Neocytes survive longer in the circulation and result in a greater interval between transfusions, with subsequent reduction in the total iron infused over an extended period of time.

2.     Infections

a.      Cytomegalovirus

It is associated with post–transfusion mononucleosis. The classical congenital cytomegalovirus syndrome is manifested by a high incidence of neurologic symptoms such as psychomotor, retardation and hearing loss. Occasionally, self–limited, heterophile negative mononucleosis–like syndrome occurs. The symptoms include sore throat and fever, chills, profound malaise and myalgia. Lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly may be observed.

b.     Syphilis

The etiologic agent of syphilis, Treponema pallidium is a thin, spiral– shaped bacterium which is acquired by venereal route. It has a short survival in stored blood (spirochetes do not appear to survive in citrated blood at 4oC for more than 72 hours). T. pallidium is more likely to be present in the blood during the secondary stage of syphilis, with symptoms of fever, skin rash and lymphadenopathy.

c.      Malaria

Malaria can be transmitted by the transfusion of whole blood, packed red cells, platelets, concentrates or other blood components which contain red blood cells. It is transmitted by any of the four Plasmodium species. It has a life cycle both found in human and Anopheles mosquito. It produces chills followed by a fever in a few hours. A patient’s temperature may rise to 104oF or 105oF. The symptoms last from 4 to 6 hours and seen at regular intervals depending on the type of malaria. To prevent transfusion–induced malaria, chloroquine prophylaxis is given routinely to all blood recipients.

d.     Post–transfusion hepatitis

Transmission of hepatitis virus from donor blood to a recipient constitutes at the present time the most common and serious problem of transfusion practice. Components such as platelets, AHF cryoprecipitate, AHF concentrates, plasma and fibrinogen may be responsible for hepatitis transmission with the risk proportional to the number of donors involved.

The incidence of hepatitis virus carrier state in the blood donors is generally higher in commercial blood donor than in voluntary blood donors. High morbidity and mortality result from post–transfusion “serum” hepatitis caused by hepatitis B virus with an incubation period of 50–180 days. Transmission of hepatitis A virus causes “infectious” hepatitis within a short incubation period of 15–50 days. Frequently, it is difficult to distinguish between these two types of viral hepatitis. The discovery of Australian antigen and its association with post–transfusion “serum” hepatitis has provided a laboratory means of detecting the infectious blood.

B.     Immunologic complications

1.     Graft versus host disease

When immunocompentent lymphocytes are transfused from a donor to a recipient who is not capable of rejecting them, the transfused or grafted lymphocytes recognize the antigen of the host as foreign and react immunologically against them. Instead of the usual transplantation reaction of host against graft, the reverse graft versus host reaction occurs and produces an inflammatory response.

In a normal lymphocyte transfer reaction, the results of a graft versus host are usually not serious because the recipient is capable of destroying the foreign lymphocytes. If the recipient, however, cannot reject the transfused lymphocytes, the may cause uncontrollable destruction of the host’s tissues and eventually death.

Post–transfusion symptoms begin within 3 to 30 days of transfusion. Because of lymphocytic infiltration of the intestine, skin and liver, mucosal destruction including ulcerative skin and mouth lesions, diarrhea and liver necrosis occur. Other clinical signs include jaundice, fever, anemia, weight loss, skin rash and splenomegaly.

2.     Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

There is no question as to the infectivity of blood and components from individuals infected with HIV. Recipients have developed AIDS after receiving a single contaminated unit of whole on any of its components. Derivatives from human blood such as albumin and immune globulin have not been reported to transmit HIV infection.

The mea incubation period between the time of transfusion and diagnosis of AIDS has been estimated to be 4–5 years. This long incubation and a high mortality among transfusion recipients (approximately 50% within six months) makes it difficult to determine the actual risk in transfusion associated with AIDS.

3.     Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction

Delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions can occur from two days to several months post–transfusion. This type of hemolytic reaction is under –diagnosed, under–reported and under–rated in terms of complications, and is far more frequent than the acute hemolytic reactions.

It maybe of two types. They may represent anamnestic antibody response in a previously immunized recipient or secondary exposure to transfused erythrocytic antigens or result from primary alloimmunization. In an anamnestic response, the antibodies are to antigens to which recipients have been previously immunized by a transfusion or pregnancy.

Antibodies implicated are anti–E, anti–C, anti–M, anti–Lua, anti–K, anti– Ce, anti–Jka, anti–Jkb, anti–k, anti–Fya, anti–Cob.

The most common clinical sign is fever. The triad anemia, fever and recent transfusion suggests a delayed hemolytic reaction, symptoms can range from an asymptomatic state to oliguria or renal shutdown.

Some of the signs and symptoms that may accompany hemolytic transfusion reaction:

1.      Fever
2.      Chills
3.      Chest pains
4.      Hypotension
5.      Hemoglobinuria
6.      Nausea
7.      Dyspnea
8.      Flushing
9.      Shock


I.    Specimen needed

A.      Post–transfusion of blood of recipient which should be obtained immediately

1.      Clotted blood specimen – for crossmatching, re–typing
2.      Oxalated blood specimen – for detection of hemolysis, free hemoglobin and direct Coomb’s test

B.      Post – transfusion urine specimen

1.      1st hour urine – obtained immediately to compare with 5th hour urine for the presence of free hemoglobin which usually develops on the 5th hour if there is hemolysis.
2.      5th hour urine

C.      Donor unit – implicated in the transfusion reaction to re–check the donor’s type, Rh and re–crossmatching with the patients pre and post–transfusion samples.

D.     Blood transfusion reaction report – properly filled up by the nursing staff and the resident in the ward.

II.   Procedure

A.      Recheck all identification data on the blood specimen and urine unit.

B.      Check the physical appearance of the blood and urine specimen of the patient as well as the donor unit for hemolysis (free hemoglobin)

C.      Repeat typing, Rh of patients’ blood sample previously taken before transfusion.

D.     Repeat ABO typing, Rh typing, crossmatching of both patients post – transfusion blood sample and donor’s blood sample.

E.      Repeat Coomb’s test of recipient and donor.

F.      Culture and gram’s stain of donor’s blood specimen – to know if there was a bacterial contamination. Observe for bubbles in the donor unit or if there is a change of color of the cells and plasma.

III.  Follow up procedure

A.      Examine post–transfusion urine, 1st hour and 5th hour, for the presence of free hemoglobin.

B.      Test serum sample for levels of unconjugated bilirubin at intervals after the reaction. 

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