28 June 2016



A crossmatch or compatibility test is a test between a patient or recipient of a blood transfusion and his prospective or donors.


1. To prevent any possible transfusion reaction due to antibody.
2. To ensure maximum benefit to the recipient.

Two kinds of crossmatch

1. Major crossmatch – uses patient’s serum and donor’s red cells (PS–DR).  The purpose of the major crossmatch is to prevent a transfusion reaction by detecting antibodies in the patient’s serum which would reduce the survival of the donor’s cells and to ensure maximum benefit to the recipient.

2. Minor crossmatch – uses patient’s red cells and donor’s serum (DS–PR). This detects antibodies in the donor which may be capable of affecting the recipient's’ red cells.

The crossmatch will detect the following:

1. Most recipient antibodies directed against antigens on the donor red blood cells.

2. Major errors in ABO grouping, labeling and identification of donors and recipients.

The crossmatch will not:

1. Guarantee normal donor cell survival

2. Prevent recipient immunization

3. Detect errors of Rh and ABO typing

4. Detect all antibodies unless antibody is specific to the donor antigen being crossmatched

5. Detect antibodies to white blood cells or platelets

6. Detect errors of labeling and collection of sample


1. Fresh, not inactivated serum, less than 48 hours old must be used for the crossmatch. If plasma is used, fibrin clots may form and interfere with the test and complement activation.

2. Hemolyzed patient samples should be avoided, because they may ask hemolysis of donor red blood cells.

3.  A washed red blood cell suspension may be prepared.

Pre–transfusion procedures in a Blood Bank:

1. Reviewing blood bank records of testing of previous samples of the recipients.

2. ABO grouping, Rh typing and unexpected antibody screening on each recipient sample sent for compatibility testing.

3. ABO grouping, Rh typing and unexpected antibody screening on the unit of blood.

4.  Crossmatching

Techniques used in crossmatching

1. Saline Technique

Certain antibodies react at body temperature in vivo; however, they may give optimum reactions in vitro temperatures below that of the body. Saline techniques are designed to detect IgM antibodies which react optimally at room temperature (22oC) or lower.

Agglutination or hemolysis in the saline procedure at 22oC will detect

a. ABO incompatibility, often due to incorrect typing.
b. Cold agglutinin or autoagglutinins.
c. Saline acting antibodies such as anti–M, anti–N, anti–S, anti–Lu, anti–F and anti– Le.

The saline crossmatch at 37oC detects:

a.  Saline acting anti–Rh antibodies.
b.  Some anti–M, anti–N and anti–S antibodies.
c.  Some anti–K and anti–Le antibodies

Agglutinins produced by cold agglutinins will disappear or diminish.

2.  Albumin Technique

The addition of bovine albumin to the crossmatch presents ideal conditions for the detection of Rh antibodies. Bovine albumin act to increase the dielectric constant of the medium, thus allowing IgG antibodies to be demonstrated. Most IgG antibodies are detected.

The albumin crossmatch at 37oC detects:

a.  Most anti–Rh antibodies
b.  Some anti–M, anti–N and anti–S antibodies
c.  Some anti–Le antibodies

3.  Antiglobulin Technique

This is probably the most important and most widely used serologic procedure in modern blood banking. Compatibility testing should be considered incomplete unless the antiglobulin technique is included as part of the test. Most antibodies that result in transfusion problems are detectable only by the antiglobulin test. It detects:

a. IgG antibodies whose donors do not react in either saline of high protein media or which react weakly or variably in these media.

b. Antibodies which bind complement but which may not be capable of binding themselves to the cells in sufficient amount to give a positive test.

c. Anti–Fy, anti–JK and most anti–K antibodies.

4.  Enzyme Technique

Enzyme techniques have proved valuable in crossmatching. They serve as an important “back up” test for the indirect antiglobulin test and detect many clinically significant IgG and saline–inactive IgM antibodies.
Enzyme used are:

a. Trypsin
b. Papain
c. Ficin
d. Bromelin

5. Broad Spectrum Compatibility Testing – developed to be an all-inclusive test, one which would detect clinically significant antibodies without sacrificing speed – so essential in an emergency, or simplicity so important in prevailing errors.

Three phases of broad spectrum compatibility test:

a.  Protein or room phase
b.  Thermo or incubation period
c.  Antiglobulin phase

Interpretation of a positive reaction in each phase:

1. Protein phase

a. Incompatibility in the ABO system will be detected at this point. Hemolysis especially may indicate the presence of an immune anti–A and / or anti–B.

b. An incompatibility due to cold agglutinins.

c. The prozoning anti–Rh antibodies are detected in a serum albumin mixture on immediate centrifugation.

2. Thermo phase

a. Incompatibility in this phase is usually due to the presence of a low tittered anti –Rh antibody that does not react on immediate centrifugation.

b. Certain Rh antibodies (anti–C, anti–E and some anti–D) occasionally react only in an albumin medium and are non–reactive in the antiglobulin test.

3. Antiglobulin phase

a. Antibodies are detected here which usually react only in this test (anti–Fja, anti– Jka, anti–X).

b. These antibodies in the Rh system which react only in the antiglobulin test (so called “third order” or “panagglutinoid” antibodies) are noted.

c.  Antibodies present in acquired hemolytic anemia will be found.


1. The room temperature phase requires two tubes labeled 1 and 2. Both tubes receive 2 drops of recipient’s serum and two drops of an appropriate 5% red blood cell suspension(donor’s cells) in their own serum or saline. In addition, tube 1 receives 22% bovine serum albumin (BSA) to enhance the reactivity of certain 7S antibodies. The tubes are spin immediately in a centrifuge and examined microscopically (by naked eye) for agglutination and / or hemolysis. Saline agglutinins maybe detected in either tube; albumin antibodies may be detected in tube 1. If no reaction is seen in either tube, they should be shaken and tested in phase 2.

2. The warm (thermo) phase is designed to detect antibodies that react optimally at 37oC. Both tubes from phase 1 are incubated at 37oC for 30 minutes (can be shortened to 15 minutes), centrifuged and examined macroscopically for agglutination and / or hemolysis. If there is still no reactivity, tube 1 should be tested in phase 3.

3. The Coombs phase (or anti–human globulin phase) should detect almost any blood group antibody that fails to react in phase 1 or 2. Tube 1 (containing bovine serum albumin for the thermo phase) should be shaken and thoroughly washed by filling with NSS, mixing thoroughly and centrifuging until all cells are at the bottom of the tube. Decant the washed saline and repeat the wash cycle at least two more times. Washing the cells thoroughly is extremely important to remove all unreacted globulins (antibodies). If any free globulins remain after washing, they may inactivate the Coomb’s reagent and result in a false negative reading. This inactivation involves a blocking antibody phenomenon. Soluble globulins can occupy on the AHG reagent so that it fails to combine with globulin to the red blood cells. After the last wash solution is decanted, the remaining drop of cells is shaken. AHG is added and the tube is centrifuged and read macroscopically and microscopically. A truly negative compatibility test should leave the AHG reagent free to react with the globulin–coated 5% saline suspension of washed Coombs control cells. Thus agglutination of the control cells confirms the facts that AHG was added to the test and that the washing of cells was adequate.

In the performance of the compatibility test, four tubes will actually be needed – two for the major test (as has been described above using patient’s serum + donor’s cells) and two for the minor test (mixture of donor’s serum and patient’s cells) using the same technique as that of above.

An auto–control should be run simultaneously in the crossmatch test, using patient’s cell and patient’s serum. If the auto–control is negative, a corresponding incompatible crossmatch is probably caused by a specific antibody. On the other hand, if the auto–control is positive and the corresponding crossmatch is incompatible, the patient has a non–specific agglutinin that may be masking the presence of one or more specific antibodies. In this case, the patient’s blood should be absorbed by allowing a sample to clot at second sample collected with anticoagulant provides cells for the autocontrol. These cells should be washed thoroughly with warm saline to remove cold autoantibodies. If a 5–6% saline suspension of the washed cells is tested with the absorbed serum and gives no reactivity then the serum is considered fully absorbed and ready for use in crossmatching or in tests with secretor cells.

The minor crossmatch is no longer used in many hospitals for erythrocyte transfusion because of the popular use of erythrocyte concentrates and routine use of antibody screening of donor blood. However, when a large volume of plasma is used, as may be the case with platelet or granulocyte or with fresh frozen plasma, especially for children, a minor crossmatch is desirable. Advocates of the minor crossmatch also point out that it confirms ABO typing, reflects a positive direct antiglobulin test and may permit recognition of a new blood group factor.

Segments from the blood bag are recommended rather than tubes attached to the bag (pilot tubes) as these segments are the true representative of the bag’s contents.

Interpretations of results:

1. Compatible – if there is no agglutination or hemolysis in any tubes, the blood is incompatible and maybe release for transfusion

2. Incompatible – agglutination or hemolysis in either or both of the major tubes is evidence of isoantibody. The donor is incompatible and the blood must not be transfused.

3. Doubtful – when agglutination occurs in the auto tube, as well as one or more of the others, the reaction is “doubtful” and certain additional procedures should be carried out before a decision can be made whether or not the blood is compatible.

Unsatisfactory test – if the control cells are not agglutinated in the antiglobulin test, the test is unsatisfactory. Either no Coombs serum was added, it was of inadequate activity or they washed with inadequate gentleness to detect an actually positive crossmatch. In any case, the Coombs crossmatch and the auto–test must be repeated, remedying the error.

Problems encountered in grouping, typing and crossmatching

1. Rouleaux formation

Cells appear to be agglutinated, yet they have the appearance of a “stocks of coins.” The formation can be dispersed or diminished by the addition of a drop of saline to the slide (diluting the serum–cell mixture with saline). Note, however, that weak agglutination can also be dispersed in this way; therefore, the practice may be dangerous in certain cases.

Rouleaux formation is often encountered in certain disease states – notably myelomatosis and macroglobulinemia. It is also caused by a raised serum globulin concentration and is often seen in patients with serum protein abnormalities. Certain synthetic plasma expanders, such as dextran can also cause rouleaux formation. Fibrinogen has the greatest influence on rouleaux formation and in grouping; serum is used rather than plasma because of its lack of fibrinogen.

2. Panagglutination

Panagglutination is simply the spontaneous clumping of all cells against a given serum. There are two main types of panagglutination reaction:

a. Bacteriogenic panagglutination (Huebner Thomsen–Friedenrich phenomenon) – is thought to be due to a bacterial contaminant, which exposes a latent receptor known as T. All human red cells contain this antigenic receptor but are usually non–reactive with anti–T. Since all human adult sera contain anti–T. since all human adult sera contain anti–T. Since all human adult sera contain anti–T in varying amounts, agglutination would occur with all such cells. The reaction takes place at 20oC but not at 37oC.

b. Nonbacteriogenic panagglutination may be used by acquired hemolytic anemia or by rare specific antibodies. The reaction takes place at 37oC and occasionally in the cold. The direct antiglobulin test is often positive.

3. Polyagglutination

Polyagglutination is the reaction of red cells with varying proportions of fresh normal allogeneic or intert AB sera. The reaction takes place at 20oC and becomes weak or inactive at 37oC. Microscopically, the reaction usually has a “mixed field” appearance. The autocontrol and direct antiglobulin test are usually negative. Treatment of cells with papain often abolishes the phenomenon.

This is usually the result of activation of the T antigen in vivo and it is usually a transient phenomenon. In the laboratory, it is usually discovered because of “difficult” ABO grouping.

4. Cold grouping

Cold agglutinins are relatively common problems in the laboratory. They are simple antibodies reacting at temperatures between 4oC and 20oC and they may be specific or nonspecific. Cold agglutinin can often be eliminated by reading tests on a warmed microscope slide, though the absence of agglutination at 37oC does not mean that the antibody is clinically insignificant, since the addition of complement may cause the cells to become sensitized to a suitable antiglobulin serum at that temperature.

5. Wharton’s jelly

Wharton’s jelly is usually present in cord samples that have been collected by cutting the umbilical cord and allowing the blood to drain into a collection tube. Samples contaminated with Wharton’s jelly often agglutinate spontaneously. All cord specimens should be thoroughly washed with warm saline (3 to 5 times) before testing to guard against any false reaction due to the substance. If Wharton’s jelly is a common problem, it is best to advise the delivery room involved to collect cord samples from the umbilical vein rather than allowing the blood to drain into a collection tube. This will eliminate the problem.

6. Prozones

The prozone phenomenon occasionally occurs in the antiglobulin technique and is thought to be caused by partial neutralization of the antiglobuin reagent (i.e., the antibody is loosely bound or does not remain on the cells). The antiglobulin reagent, reacting with this free antibody, is partially neutralized.

7. Antigen or antibody deterioration

Both antigen and antibody undergo a diminishing of reactivity on storage. The deterioration of antibodies is dependent on the specificity of the antibody and the length and method of storage. Saline–reactive antibodies deteriorate most in the first month of storage, then appear to become relatively stable. IgG antibodies, with a few exceptions, are stable. Complement binding antibodies deteriorate owing to complement inactivation and / or the fact that at –25oC, serum may acquire certain anti–complementary properties.

The patient who will not crossmatch

Occasionally, a patient is found whose serum persistently agglutinates in one stage of the crossmatch or another, all donor bloods, while the “auto” tube remains smooth. In such cases, a screening pooled O cell of a pool of at least ten fresh group O cells should be used to check the serum by Coombs test for the presence of atypical antibodies. If positive, a panel of group O cells of known genotype should be tested against the patient’s serum by the same techniques used in the crossmatch. If these tests do not identify the antibody, the agglutination may be due to antibodies against the antigen occurring in a very high % of the population, the so called “public” antigen. Or it may be due to a mixture of antibodies which between them agglutinate the cells of nearly everyone. Under circumstances, proceed as follows:

1. Refer the problem to the physician in charge of the blood bank section and follow his further instruction.

2. Inform the patient’s physician of the trouble, so that they will avoid unnecessary demand for blood.

3. Send specimen of whole clotted blood to an acceptable reference laboratory for identification of the antibody. If it is identifiable, compatible donors may be obtainable form the rare donor files.

4. Study the blood of as many of the patients close relatives as possible. You may find among them a person with the same rare blood group as the patient, who could serve as donor.

Crossmatching the newborn

The newborn child usually lacks isohemagglutinin so that the expected incompatibilities for A & B on the major side of the crossmatch may not appear. However, infant may have possibly transferred maternal antibodies which should be reckoned with in doing direct crossmatches on the baby. It is important to obtain the blood of the mother of a newborn requiring blood transfusion; crossmatch the donor’s blood with the mother’s serum. The infant will have only antibodies derived from the mother. The concentration of such antibodies will be greater in the mother’s serum than in the infant.

Abbreviated crossmatch

If a patient has no known history of and / or no currently demonstrable unexpected antibodies, ABO and Rh type specific blood is crossmatched at the time of need by using an immediate spin–saline abbreviated crossmatch. The abbreviated crossmatch procedure is done by mixing two drops of patient’s serum with one drop of a 3 – 4% saline suspension of washed donor erythrocytes. The patient’s serum and donor erythrocytes are mixed and centrifuged for 20 seconds. The supernatant is examined for hemolysis and the erythrocyte button is suspended and examined for agglutination. Once blood is issued, both 37oC incubation and an antiglobulin crossmatch must be done using the same tube employed for abbreviated crossmatch. This serves as a check that clinically significant antibodies have not been overlooked. If either the 37oC incubation of the antiglobulin phase of testing becomes positive, the patient’s physician must be notified immediately and the unit of blood must be stopped.

Uncrossmatched blood

Uncrossmatched blood should only be issued when its order is accompanied by a signed declaration form the doctor stating that he accepts full responsibility for the transfusion based on the medical emergency. Group specific (ABO and Rh) blood should be issued. The issue of Group O Rh–negative blood to individuals who have not been grouped is firmly discouraged, except in extreme emergency situations.

A segment of blood from the unit should be removed before issue and the blood tested through full crossmatch procedure. Another unit of blood should be set up, even when it has not been requested. In the case of incompatibility, the ward or operating room should be informed immediately and the transfusion promptly discontinued. A compatible unit should be substituted as soon as possible.

The selection of blood for transfusion (routine and emergency)

Whenever possible, blood of the same ABO and Rh group as the patient should be chosen for transfusion. Group O blood may be used  for group A & B recipients when these groups are not available; however, packed cells should be chosen, since the presence of a high–titered saline agglutinin in the donor Group O blood may cause the destruction of the recipient’s cells. If “low tittered” blood (so called “hemolysis free”) is used, the risk are lessened; however, packed cells should still be the product of choice, group AB recipients may receive A, B or O blood in an emergency situation; however, packed cells should again be chosen. If the recipient belongs to a subgroup of A and Group A blood is to be transfused, the donor blood need not be of the same subgroup unless anti–A1 is found to be present in the patient’s serum.

With regards to Rh typing, O–negative recipients must receive D–negative blood. This blood should also be negative for the C and E antigens. In cases of extreme shortage of emergency, E positive (Du negative) blood may be substituted when transfusing adult D–negative recipients. C–positive blood should be given to D–negative patients, as it could stimulate anti–G.

For Du–positive recipients, the transfusion of D–positive blood appears to involve very little risk of immunization.

Transfusion of D–positive blood to unimmunized D–negative adult males or females past child–bearing age should be avoided except in case of emergency.

Cases wherein group specific blood is unavailable:

1. Acute donor shortages, disasters, military demands.

2. Time does not permit the ABO grouping of the recipient.

3. The recipient’s ABO group cannot be accurately determined.

4. Exchange transfusion of a newborn infant requires compatibility with the mother.

5. The recipient’s serum contains an antibody against a high incidence antigenic determinant (e.g., anti–Kpb, anti–Yta, anti–Vel) and the only available blood that lacks the high incidence antigenic determinant is group O.

Blood component of choice when group specific blood is unavailable
(in descending order of choice)

1. Deglycerolized frozen red blood cell.

2. Packed red blood cell.

3. Whole blood shown to lack hemolytic anti–A and / or anti–B.

4. Whole blood with saline anti–A and / or anti–B titers of less than 1:50.

Procedure of the determination of high–tittered blood

1. Prepare a 1:64 dilution in saline of the serum to be tested. This may be done by adding 1 ml serum to 6.3 ml of saline.

2. Add 2 drops of the diluted serum to each of two tubes labeled “A” and “B”

3. Add 2 drops of a 2% suspension in saline of A1 cells to tube A; add 2 drops of a similar suspension of cells to tube B.

4. Incubate for 15 minutes at room temperature.

5. Centrifuge at 1000 – 2000 rpm for 1 minute.

6. Examine for agglutination.


Those sera which agglutinate either on both cell suspensions can be considered to be high–tittered. These bloods should be transfused only to group O recipients. Those bloods which do not react should be tested by means of the partial neutralization test using undiluted serum.

Choices of blood when group specific is unavailable

Patient’s group                                                        Alternate Donor Group
                                                            First Choice                          Second Choice

A *                                                                   O         

B                                                                      O

AB                                                       A or B **                                             O

A2B with anti–A1                                A1 or B **                                           O

A1B with anti–H                                 A1 or B **

* A1 patients with anti–H should be transfused with blood group A1. When
required by exceptional circumstances, group A2 is preferable to group O.

** Either group may be chosen but only one of the two should be used for a given recipient.
            Group A is usually more readily available than group B. If blood of yet another group
            is needed, use Group O.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perfect Explanation about crossmatch or compatibility testing