06 August 2017

Administrative Order No. 41 s. 2003

April 30, 2003

No. 41 series 2003



The National Policy on Kidney Transplantation from Living Non–related organ donors (LNRDs) per Administrative Order No. 124 series 2002 sets the general guidelines and ethical principles whereby the act of organ donation and conduct of transplantation from the LNRDs shall be managed and regulated. The order also prescribes for the adoption of a rational, equitable, ethical and accessible renal care program in the country which among others includes the use of LNRDs for kidney transplantation.

Under A.O. No. 124 series 2002, a Philippine Organ Donation Program (PODP) has been created under the Health Operation Cluster of the DOH. This Order is issued to prescribe the guidelines on how the PODP will operate in coordination with various offices and agencies including the newly organized bodies and committees as specified in Department Order 191–F series 2002 with the end–view of developing a comprehensive renal care program.


This A.O. covers all health and health–related professionals, facilities, offices, bureaus and all other organizations and individuals involved in the practice of transplantation and organ donation.


The operation of the Philippine Organ Donation Program shall be anchored on the policies set forth under A.O. 124 series 2002:

A. Living non–related donations are permitted only under certain conditions detailed out in A.O. 124 series 2002. Sale and purchase of kidney organs by kidney vendors is prohibited.

B. Kidney organ donation programs shall be guided by these principles: Equity, Justice, Benevolence, Nonmaleficence, Solidarity, Altruism and Volunteerism.

C. All health and health related facilities shall implement and adopt quality standards and practices in the medical and organization management of kidney transplantation.

D. The Department of Health through its Bureau of Health Facilities and Services and the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation shall enforce and monitor these health facilities through their licensing and accreditation rules and regulations.


The PODP is established under the Degenerative Disease Office of the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control. In the performance of its role, the PODP shall mobilize various offices and units of the Department of Health and convene representatives from these offices into Technical Working Groups as necessary. Further, for a sound implementation of the program, PODP shall tap the technical expertise of the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI), the only government Specialty Center on renal diseases. It may specifically build on the systems (e.g. registry, screening/matching of donors–recipients) and other activities as initiated by the Renal Disease Control Program (REDCOP) under NKTI.

As specified in A.O. 124 series 2002, the PODP shall have a National Transplant Advisory Board which shall primarily policy recommendation and advice in the following tasks:

1. Setting of guidelines or criteria for the prioritization of recipients of kidney organs from donors.

2. Development of systems and procedures that will allow for transparency, exchange networking and collaboration with different health facilities, organizations, associations and professionals.

3. Facilitation and promotion of technical assistance among professionals and health and health–related facilities involved in kidney and other organ transplantation.

The PODP shall also be assisted by a National Transplantation Ethics Committee (NTEC) which shall be responsible in formulating the ethical standards for organ transplantation and which, in turn, shall be the basis of the ethical standards for all hospitals and other facilities.


A.     Policy and Program Standards

The PODP shall be responsible for formulating policies and program standards towards the development of a rational, ethical accessible and equitable renal health care program in the country through coordination with other organizations, associations and professionals engaged in transplantation and donation programs and activities.

B.      Advocacy / Information Education Campaign

The PODP shall undertake activities which shall increase public awareness on organ transplantation and renal diseases. This may include patient information and education, public education and advocacy campaign through multi–media.

C.      Systems Development

The PODP shall put in place a system for the screening and matching of donors and recipients prior to their inclusion in the registry. The system shall involve the creation of a Selection and Matching Committee both at the National and hospital/or facility level. It shall also maintain a national registry which shall include a registry of all kidney transplants performed in the country, registry of all LNRDs and registry of all patients seeking kidney transplantation using LNRDs.

D.     Research

The program shall support researches/studies concerning organ donation and transplantation. It shall particularly support baseline studies and other related studies, results of which shall provide inputs to policy formulation and program development.

E.      Networking

The program shall actively promote, enjoin the participation of other stakeholders, government organizations, academe, private institutions and civil society to form a well–coordinated network supporting efforts for the transfer of technology among these partners in order to improve renal health care in general.

F.       Monitoring and Evaluation

A built–in monitoring and evaluation system shall be part of program. It shall require regular reports and feedback from the hospitals / health facilities. The program may also exercise oversight functions if necessary. Results of monitoring and evaluation shall always inform policy discussions and deliberations by program and DOH top management to improve and to introduce innovations in the program.


1. The PODP shall ensure coherent and sound implementation of activities both at the national and hospital/other health–related facility based on program standards.

2. The PODP shall ensure the institutionalization of these systems

a. A Donor/Recipient Screening and Matching System shall be operationalized by a Screening and Matching Committee. This Committee shall be composed of a Transplant Immunologist, a Transplant Nephrologist and or a Transplant Surgeon/Physician. This Committee is tasked to formulate the following:

(1)   Formulate guidelines and criteria on the evaluation of donor/recipients prior to enrollment/listing in the National Registry in close coordination NTEC.

(2)   Ensure implementation of set of guidelines and policies to donor/recipient applicants.

(3)   Issue clearance on matching of donor and recipient to the individual transplant facility.

(4)   Provide regular feedback and report updates to the PODP.

b. The PODP shall maintain a National Donor/Recipient Registry. Data shall emanate from the different accredited hospitals/ medical centers nationwide and/or through walk in donors and recipient – enrollees who qualified based on the NTEC and Donor/Recipient Screening and Matching System criteria.

In effect, this registry shall contain a pool of data/information of donors and recipients who have been subjected to an initial screening and matching process by the Screening and Matching Committee.

As above–mentioned, PODP may build on the existing registry of REDCOP and the Human Organ Preservation Effort (HOPE). This shall require close coordination by the PODP with all hospital– / facility–based registries.
In view of the above, the PODP shall furnish list of approved donor – recipient matches to the NKTI and other accredited hospitals and health facilities.

3. The PODP shall provide sufficient information so that patients seeking transplantation can go directly to the PODP or to the accredited hospital/health facilities for inquiries registration and/or consultation.

4. The DOH – Bureau of Health Facilities and Services – Philippine Health Insurance Corporation shall issue in separate orders licensing and accreditation standards or hospitals and health–related facilities.

5. Each hospital/health facility shall submit quarterly report on transplant operations conducted to PODP.

6. NTEC and Ethics Committee of hospitals and health facilities shall issue their own guidelines and criteria in accordance with national policies and program standards.

VII.             EFFECTIVITY

This order shall take effect immediately

Secretary of Health 

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