06 August 2017

Department Circular No. 99 s. 1987

18 August 1987

Department Circular
No. 99 series 1987


Basic Policies

The transfusion of blood and blood products is frequently a life saving measure, and hemotherapy is in fact an important clinical intervention in the modern management of patients. In order to enable physicians and patients to appropriately utilize blood and blood products, two basic policies shall be pursues namely

(1)   To provide an adequate supply of safe blood for transfusion, principally via voluntary blood donation.

(2)   To encourage the efficient utilization of blood resources.

In support of the above policies, the Department of Health hereby adopts the following measures:

1. DOH Unit Primarily Involved

The Bureau of Research and Laboratories, within the Office of Standards and Regulation, shall be the DOH unit primarily involved in policy formulation, program planning, monitoring and coordination in the area of blood supply and use.

2. Relation with other organizations

(a)   Philippine National Red Cross

The DOH shall, within available means, coordinate, supply and facilitate blood donation campaigns of PNRC. All agencies of DOH are instructed and all private hospitals are requested to extend available assistance to PNRC campaigns for voluntary blood donations.

(b)   Philippine Blood Coordinating Council

The DOH recognizes and supports the efforts of the PBCC, an association of professional medical groups, government agencies, civic, religious and mass media organizations dedicated to the twin policies of (1) adequate supply of blood for transfusion and (2) efficient utilization of blood resources. All agencies of DOH are instructed and all private health groups and organizations are requested to cooperate and coordinate with PBCC in its thrusts to support the above policies.

3. Regulatory Measures in Support of policy

(a)   Hospitals

(1)   All tertiary hospitals shall be required to have a written and updated policy for the adequate provisions of safe blood and blood components for their patients.

(2)   All hospitals shall be required to have a person or a group of persons (e.g., a committee) designated to perform the duty of promoting voluntary blood donation and monitoring proper utilization of blood products.

4. General measures in support of policy

(a)   Public education

The DOH, in cooperation with PNRC, PBCC and its member organizations, as well as with other interested parties, shall plan and implement an organized educational campaign of the following issues:

(1)   The importance of an adequate supply of safe blood
(2)   The benefits and advantages of voluntary blood donation
(3)   The dangers of unregulated and commercialized practices in the field of blood transfusion
(4)   The relevant policies of DOH in this area

The cooperation particularly of professional societies, civic organizations and the mass media shall be sought.

(b)   Professional Education

The DOH, in cooperation with the professional societies and other health aggrupation shall encourage the dissemination of appropriate technical information related to hemotherapy. Particular emphasis shall be given to:

(1)   Improved screening of blood supply to assure quality
(2)   Medical indications of blood transfusion
(3)   The use of blood component therapy

Relevant information via effective channels shall be disseminated to physicians, surgeons, hospital administrators, nurses, medical technologists, social workers and other health and hospital personnel

5. Dissemination of this circular

The Bureau of Research and Laboratories is instructed to coordinate with various DOH agencies to assure adequate dissemination of this circular to agencies and parties concerned.

Secretary of Health

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