13 September 2016


1.      Color

Fresh urine has an amber yellow color due to the presence of yellow urochorme and pink uroerythrine. The color intensity depends on concentration and amount of urine that in turn depends on water intake and its extrarenal output. The early morning urine is usually more concentrated and hence darker than later samples. Some pathological conditions or intake of certain exogenous substances changes the color of urine. In general, acidic urine is more highly colored than alkaline urine.

Some causes of abnormal urine coloration

a.      Cloudy

(1)   Pathologic causes: phosphaturia, pyuria, chyluria, lipiduria, hyperoxaluria

(2)   Food and drug causes: diet high in purine–rich foods (hyperuricosuria)

b.      Brown

(1)   Pathologic causes: Bile pigments, myoglobin

(2)   Food and drug causes: Fava beans, levodopa (larodopa, metronidazole (flagyl), nitrofurantoin (Furadantin), some antimalarial agents

c.       Brownish–black

(1)   Pathologic causes: bile pigments, melanin, methemoglobin 

(2)   Food and drug causes: cascara, levodopa, methyldopa (aldomet), senna

d.     Green or blue

(1)   Pathologic causes: Pseudomonal UTI, biliverdi

(2)   Food and drug causes: amitriptyline (Elavil), Indigo carmine, IV cimetidine (Tagarnet), IV promethazine (Phenergan), methylene blue, triamterene (Dyrenium)

e.      Orange

(1)   Pathologic causes: Bile pigments

(2)   Food and drug causes: phenothiazines, phenozopyridine (pyridium)

f.        Red

(1)   Pathologic causes: hematuria, hemoglobinuria, myoglobinuria, porphyria

(2)   Food and drug causes: beets, blackberries, rhubarb, phenolphthalein, rifampin (rifadin)

g.      Yellow

2.      Clarity

Fresh urine is usually without any turbidity. Cloudiness that develops after a long standing of a urinary sample is caused by epithelial cells; and is without pathological significance. Turbidity of fresh urine can occur due to presence of bacteria, leukocytes, lipids, phosphates, carbonates, uric acid, leucine, tyrosine and oxalates. Chemical or microscopic examination of urine can differentiate among these causes of turbidity.

3.      Specific gravity

Specific gravity of the urine is technically its weight compared to an equal volume of water. Urinary specific gravity (USG) correlates with urine osmolality and gives important insight into the patient’s hydration status. It also reflects the concentrating ability of the kidneys. Normal USG can range from 1.003 to 1.030; a value of less than 1.010 indicates relative hydration, and a value greater than 1.020 indicates relative dehydration. Increased USG is associated with glycosuria and the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone; decreased USG is associated with diuretic use, diabetes insipidus, adrenal insufficiency, aldosteronism, and impaired renal function. In patients with intrinsic renal insufficiency, USG is fixed at 1.010 – the specific gravity of the glomerular filtrate.

Osmolality of urine depends on the amount of osmotically active particles excreted into urine, regardless of their mass, size and electric charge. The osmolality is expressed in mmol/kg. It is only loosely proportional to the specific gravity of urine. Measurement of osmolality is considered more accurate compared to the specific gravity and therefore favored.

Comparing both parameters, it can be stated that osmolality reflects the molar concentrations of all dissolved substances, whereas the specific gravity is related to their mass concentrations. Therefore, the osmolality will be much affected by changes in concentrations of low–molecular–weight substances such as Na+, glucose and urea. On the other hand, presence of protein in urine will affect predominantly the specific gravity.

Normal value of urinary osmolality under condition of ordinary water intake is 300 – 900 mmol/kg.

Ordinarily, the higher is the volume of urine, the lower is its specific gravity (diluted urine); and vice versa, i.e. in low diuresis the specific gravity of urine increases. But, in diabetes mellitus a high volume of urine with a high specific gravity is produced.

The specific gravity enables assessment of concentration ability of the kidneys. Values above 1.020 indicate good renal function and ability of kidney to excrete excess of solutes. Highly concentrated urine suggests a substantial decrease in the circulating blood volume.

Inability of kidney to concentrate urine is called hyposthenuria. The patient needs more water to excrete the same amount of solutes. Extremely diluted urine can be a sign of impaired kidney concentration ability, such as in cases of diabetes insipidus (lack of ADH), or side effects of some drugs. Combination of hyposthenuria with polyuria indicates damage to the renal tubular system with relatively intact glomerular filtration. A serious sign of kidney damage is isosthenuria. The kidneys lose any ability to concentrate or dilute; and excrete urine of the same specific gravity as the glomerular filtrate. The relative specific gravity remains permanently rather low, around 1.010. Simultaneous finding of isosthenuria and oliguria indicates a severe renal insufficiency. Elevation of the urinary relative specific gravity – hypersthenuria – results from proteinuria or glycosuria.

Method of estimation of specific gravity

a.      Urinometer

The widely used urinometers are calibrated for temperature at 15oC, because this temperature roughly corresponds to the temperature of urine standing one hour at room temperature. When used at different temperature, the values must be corrected: for every 3oC above the calibrated temperature 0.001 is added and vice versa. A urine sample of volume at least 10 – 15 ml is needed for this examination.

b.     Refractometer

Refractometer measures the urine density on the basis of the index of light refraction. Compared to the urinometer, it offers several advantages: only 1 – 2 drops of urine suffice for the examination; and no correction for temperature is needed.

c.       Diagnostic strip

The strip indication zone contains a suitable polyelectrolyte acting as an ion exchanger and bromthymol blue as an acid–base indicator. The diagnostic strip function is based on the exchange of urinary cations, especially Na+, K+ and NH4+, for ion H+ of the polyelectrolyte in the indication zone. The released H+ acidifies weakly buffered acid–base indicator, originally in alkalilne (unprotonated) form. Acidification changes the color of the bromthymol blue. A disadvantage of this system is that the strips are insensitive to presence of urinary substances non–electrolytic in nature such as glucose, proteins, urea, creatinine and some others.

4.      Odor

The normal odor of urine is described as urinoid; this odor can be strong in concentrated specimens but does not imply infection. Diabetic ketoacidosis can cause urine to have a fruity or sweet odor, and alkaline fermentation can cause an ammoniacal odor after prolonged bladder retention. Persons with UTIs often have urine with a pungent odor. Other causes of abnormal odors include gastrointestinal–bladder fistulas (associate with a fecal smell), cysteine decomposition (associated with sulfuric smell), and medications and diet (e.g., asparagus).

Varieties in urine odor

a.      Ammoniacal

(1)   Due to the presence of bacteria producing urease, an enzyme catalyzing decomposition of urea to ammonia and water

b.      Acetone

(1)   Smells like overripe apples which is due to excretion of acetone in ketoacidosis

c.       Maple syrup or “Maggi” spice

(1)   Due to branched chain carboxylic oxoacids (2–oxoisocapronic, 2– oxoisovaleric acids)

d.     Hydrogen sulfide or even putrescent

(1)   Bacterial decomposition of proteins that releases H2S from sulfur–containing amino acids.

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