21 June 2016

Lecture #10: Proteins

Proteins are high molecular weight organic compounds of amino acids that are combined together by peptide bonds to form polypeptide chains. All proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. Proteins may also contain phosphorous, iodine, copper, zinc and other elements. The presence of nitrogen makes protein distinct from carbohydrates and lipids. The average nitrogen content is approximately 16%.

Chemical structure

Alpha amino acids constitute that class of organic acid which contains an amino group located on the carbon atom adjacent to the group.

The R group represents the remainder of the molecule and varies from H in glycerine to the complex indole ring in tryptophane.

Amino acids contain both the acidic carboxyl group (protein donating) and the basic amino group (proton accepting) within the molecules. These compounds are referred to as amphoteric compounds and behave both as acid and bases. At about normal pH, the carboxyl group is dissociated and the NH2 group has bound the protons. These types of ionized molecules with negative and positive charges are referred to as zwitterion or ampholyte. Isoelectric point refers to the pH value at which the sum of molecule charges equals zero.

General function

1.      To maintain osmotic pressure in the blood (albumin accounts for 75% of the colloid osmotic pressure of plasma).

2.      To act as reserve of protein for tissue, repair and growth.

3.      To act as pH buffers (plasma proteins but especially hemoglobin).

4.      To provide factors necessary for normal blood coagulation.

e.g. fibrinogen, prothrombin, antihemophilic factor, factor V and VII, plasma thromboplastin component (PTC), plasma thromboplastic antecedent (PTA), etc.

5.      To provide necessary enzymes (biochemical catalyst) in the blood.

e.g. proteinase, peptidase, amylase, etc.

Metabolism of protein

1.      Digestion of protein begins in the stomach immediately after ingestion. Gastric secretion includes hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

a.       Hydrochloric acid denatures the protein, unfolding them as the bonds that form the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures are broken.

b.      Pepsin acts specifically on the peptide bonds between those amino acids containing an aromatic ring or carboxylic acid in their R group, breaking the proteins into shorter polypeptides. As the polypeptide move into small intestine, the pH changes from acidic to basic and pepsin in inactivated.

2.      The pancreas secretes the zymogens (i.e., inactive precursors or proenzymes): trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, proelastase and procarboxypeptidase into the small intestines where they are converted to their more active forms.

a.       Trypsin acts on the peptide bonds between the amino acids with basic R group.

b.      Chymotrypsin breaks the peptide bonds between amino acids with neutral R groups while elastase acts on bonds between the small amino acids such as glycine, alanine and serine.

c.       Carboxypeptidase attacks the carboxyl terminal amino acid, liberating amino acids one at a time.

d.      Aminopeptidase secreted by the small intestine acts on the amino terminal end to force single amino acids.

3.      Digestion is completed as free amino acids are absorbed across the intestinal wall, a process that requires active transport and is energy dependent.

4.      Albumin, alpha and beta globulins, prothrombin and fibrinogen are all formed in the liver. Gamma globulins are formed in the liver and in all reticuloendothelial tissues of the body.

5.      A process known as protein turnover takes place in the body wherein proteins are degraded and resynthesized to be distributed in other parts of the body.

6.      The end product of protein catabolism are:

a.       Urea
b.      Carbon monoxide
c.       Water
d.      Uric acid
e.       Phosphates
f.        Creatinine
7.      Growth hormone and insulin increases protein synthesis. Glucocorticoids and thyroid hormone increase protein catabolism.

Classification of protein

A.    According to levels of structure

1.      Primary structure – determined by which amino acids are present, their sequence and the number of amino acids. One amino acid substitution can alter biologic activity, even in a large protein.

2.      Secondary structure – is the shape the strand of amino acids takes as amino acids interact with adjacent amino acids through hydrogen bonds, disulfide disulfide linkages between the cysteine amino acids and other polar and nonpolar R group interactions. The peptide bond does not rotate much, but other bonds are free to rotate. This rotation allows conformational changes that cause the secondary shape to form. The shape maybe described:

a.       Alpha – helix – coil or ring
b.      Beta pleated sheath – flat or corrugated
c.       No apparent pattern – random

3.      Tertiary structure – is the three–dimensional structure that forms as the amino acids interact with more distant members of the chain causing the chain to fold and takes its characteristic shape.

4.      Quaternary structure – is formed when two or more chains are united. These chains are called monomers or subunits and the final proteins formed are called dimers, tetramers or oligomers.

Denaturation or inactivation – is the disruption of the bonds holding the secondary, tertiary or quaternary structure. This is accomplished by:

1.      Heat
2.      pH changes
3.      Chemicals (e.g., detergents, metals, solvents)
4.      Mechanical factors

·         In the clinical laboratory setting, it is important to note that excessive heat, a freeze –thaw cycle or vigorous mixing can break these bonds and thus denature protein. An enzyme can lose its activity, a receptor can lose its ability to bind, and an antigen can lose its antigenicity and fail to be recognized by the antibody if these proteins are denatured before being assayed.

B.    According to shape (defined by comparing the ratio of length to breath)

1.      Globular proteins have a ratio of less than 10. It has length to breath ratio closer to 2 or 3.

e.g.       hormones, enzymes, hemoproteins

2.      Fibrous proteins have a ratio greater than 10.

e.g.       myosin, keratin

C.     According to solubility

1.      Albumin – these proteins that are soluble in water and soluble in dilute and concentrated salt solutions but insoluble in highly concentrated salt solutions such as saturated ammonium sulfate.

2.      Globulin – these are proteins that are insoluble in water, soluble in weak neutral salt solutions but insoluble in concentrated salt solutions.

3.      Albuminoids – a special group of proteins characterized by being essentially insoluble in some common reagents.

e.g.       collagen, elastin, keratin

D.    According to composition

1.      Simple proteins – composed of amino acids only.

2.      Conjugated proteins – consists of amino acid chains and non–amino acid molecules. The amino acid portion of the protein molecule is called the apoprotein. The non– amino acid portion is called the prostethic group.

            (Click here for full discussion on Apoproteins)

a.       Chromoprotein – contain an organic prosthetic group that is linked to some metal ions.
      e.g.             Myoglobin, hemoglobin
b.      Metalloprotein – some metal ions are directly attached to the protein.
    e.g.             Ferritin, ceruloplasmin

c.       Lipoprotein – contain bound cholesterol, phospholipid or both.

d.      Glycoprotein – contain complex carbohydrate in their structure
     e.g.             Mucin and crossomucoid

e.       Nucleoproteins – protein is associated with chains of DNA.

E.     According to specific function

1.      Catalyst (enzymes)
2.      Regulatory proteins, including receptors, hormones, repressor and inhibitors
3.      Transport proteins
4.      Structural proteins including such subspecialties as contractile, fibrous and keratinous proteins.
5.      Protective proteins, including immunoglobulins and complement
6.      Oncofetal and placental proteins
7.      Proteins that have unknown functions

Laboratory techniques used in protein studies

1.     Salt or solvent fractionation

Salt fractionation will differentiate proteins according to their solubility using different concentration of salt solutions. The most frequently used salt is ammonium sulfate.

2.     Ultracentrifugation

Because proteins are made up of different numbers and kinds of amino acids, individual proteins differ in molecular weight. If a protein solution is placed in a centrifuge operating at a very high speed, the high centrifugal force will force the heavier molecules to sediment or settle out faster than lighter molecules. This is accomplished by the use of an ultracentrifuge. This technique is particularly more useful in separating light lipoproteins from other heavier serum proteins.

3.     Chromatographic separations

Because of differences in size, shape and chemical composition, different proteins will be absorbed on and can be eluted from various adsorbents at different rates. By control of pH, buffer type and concentration and proper choice of adsorbents and eluting solutions, individual proteins can be separated from each other and obtained in a highly purified form.

4.      Immunodiffusion
5.      Electrophoresis
6.      Capillary electrophoresis
7.      Immunoelectrophoresis
8.      Isoelectric focusing
10.    Two–dimensional electrophoresis

(Discussion of #4 – 10 can be found here)

******  PROTEIN FRACTIONS  ******

1.      Albumin                                                                      55%
2.      Globulin                                                                      38%

a.       Alpha–1 globulin and                 14%
      Alpha–2 globulin
b.      Beta globulin                               13%
c.       Gamma globulin                          11%

3.      Fibrinogen                                                                 7%

Total Protein                                                             100%

******  THE TOTAL PROTEIN  ******

Methods for total protein determination

1.     Gravimeteric method

Protein is precipitated by a protein precipitant and the precipitated is washed, dried and weighed. This method requires large amounts of serum and its time consuming.

2.     Based on the influence of protein on specific gravity

a.       Falling drop method
b.      Copper sulfate specific gravity method

3.     Kjeldahl method

A standard reference method based on nitrogen determination, one gram of nitrogen is equivalent to 6.54 grams of protein. The basic procedure involves the following steps:

a.       Precipitate the protein with acid
b.      Wash the precipitate to remove non–protein nitrogen
c.       Oxidize the protein with H2SO4 and heat in the presence of catalyst to produce NH4SO4 and other end products.
d.      Boil to remove end products (CO2, CO, H2O and SO2)
e.       Add excess OH and distill NH3 into boric acid
f.        Titrate distillate to determine NH3 content

4.     Phenol method (Lowry method)

This method employs Folin and Ciocalteau reagent (lithium salts) of phosphotungstic–phosphomolybdic acid in an alkaline solution and are reduced to a blue color in the presence of tyrosine and tryptophan. This is known as the phenol method because phenol is used as oxidizing agent.

5.     Turbidimetric method

Diluted serum is treated with sulfosalicylic acid resulting in the precipitation of protein. The resultant precipitate of protein is read photometrically as a turbidity.

6.     Measurement of refractive index

The refractive index of an aqueous solution increases as the protein concentration increases and therefore RI measurements can be used to determine the protein content.

7.     Ultraviolet light absorption

8.     Biuret method / Kingsley et.al.

All proteins contain a large number of peptide bonds. When a solution of protein is treated with a Cu+ ions in moderately alkaline media, a colored chocolate complex of unknown composition is found between the Cu2+ ion and the carboxyl (=CO=) and the (=N=H) of the peptide bonds. An analogous reaction takes place between the cupric ions and the organic compound, biuret and therefore the reaction is called Biuret reaction.

The intensity of color produced is proportional to the number of protein bonds undergoing reaction, thus to quantity of protein in the sample. The proteins are separated by precipitating the globulins by the addition of concentrated sulfate–sulfite solution, determining the albumin in the remaining solution and calculating the globulin by the difference.

A rapid, simple and accurate method for protein determination. It is based on the formation of complex colored compound from biuret linkage present in protein.

Biuret reaction is a reaction between cupric ions in alkaline solution with substances containing two or more peptide bonds to produce a violet color or reddish purple color.


a.       22.6% Na2SO4 – to precipitate globulins

b.      Sulfuric ether – to lower the density of the precipitated globulin and to facilitate the separation of globulin by centrifugation.

c.       Biuret reagent – color developer

Composition of Biuret reagent

(1)  Alkaline copper sulfate
(2)  Rochelle salt (Na K tartrate)
(3)  Sodium hydroxide
(4)  Potassium iodide


Total protein – albumin       =          globulin

Albumin ÷ Globulin               =          A/G ratio

Important notes

a.       Never use crystallized Na2SO4 as this will cause incomplete precipitation of globulin.

b.      Do not shake the serum–salt mixture vigorously to prevent denaturation of albumin

c.       In pipetting the albumin fraction, care must be observed so as not to disturb the precipitate and wipe the pipet in transferring the solution to remove any adhering globulin.

1921 – Howe recommended the use 22% (w/w) sodium to precipitate globulin

1940 – Kingsley introduced the use of ether as a means of separating the precipitated globulin from the soluble albumin without resorting to the slow tedious filtration.


a.       Falsely elevated:              (1) Lipemia (2) Hyperbilirubinemia (3) Hemolysis
b.      Falsely low:                      (1) High blood ammonia

Clinical significance

a.       Decrease in serum total protein is seen in

(1)  Malnutrition / Thiamin deficiency
(2)  Glomerulonephritis – disorder characterized by an inability of kidney to retain large molecular weight protein
(3)  Hemorrhage
(4)  Liver damage

b.      Increase serum total protein is seen in

(1)  Hemoconcentration
(2)  Infectious hepatitis

c.       Inverted A/G ratio:         Multiple myeloma

******  ALBUMIN  ******

Method of quantitating albumin

1.     Dye Binding Method using

a.       BCG – Bromcresol green
b.      HABA–2–(4’–hydroxybenzene)

Interfering substances
                                                HABA                          BCG

Hemolysis                              increased                   slight increase
Bilirubin                                 decrease                     decrease
Salicylate                                slight decrease          no effect
Heparin                                  increase                      decrease

2.     Turbidimetry and Nephelometry

3.     Immunoassay with labelled antibody

4.     Immunofixation used in combination with electrophoretic techniques

Clinical significance of albumin values

Total protein and albumin in disease state


1.     Urine

Protein is not normally present in urine. Protein present in urine is generally albumin and if persistent, indicates kidney disease.

Method of quantitation

a.       Turbidimetric method using sulfosalicylic acid
b.      Qualitative dipstick method
c.       Quantitative method

2.     Cerebrospinal fluid

Normal value of CSF protein is usually 15–45 mg / dl or less. It is elevated in multiple sclerosis.

Method of quantitation

a.       Turbidimetric
b.      Coomasie blue dye

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