07 September 2016


In vivo non–imaging techniques are diagnostic procedures wherein samples (such as blood or urine) are collected from a patient to measure the amount of radioactivity concentrated using a scintillation well counter.


A simple hematocrit reading can sometimes yield misleading results when estimating red cell volume or plasma volume. If the patient is dehydrated and has a decreased plasma volume, the hematocrit will be false elevated. If the patient has an increased plasma volume, the hematocrit will be falsely low. Direct measurement of red cell volume and plasma volume is the only method to determine these values.

A.    Total Blood Volume Determination

Estimations of total blood volume (TBV) are clinically useful in the diagnosis and management of polycythemia or when changes in the venous hematocrit fail to reflect accurately changes in TRCV or TPV. When the venous hematocrit is increased, TRCV measurements distinguish absolute increases in red cell volume from decreases in plasma volume. In cases of gross splenomegaly, red cell pool in the spleen and increases in the plasma volume may give misleading venous hematocrit readings. TBV measurements are calculated using the isotope dilution principle equation.

V         =          O
Where:     V         =          volume
                  O         =          equals does administered in counts per minute
                  C         =          equals concentration of dose after dilution in counts
                                                      per minute

The larger the volume into which the label is mixed, the lower the counts in the sample withdrawn and, conversely, the smaller the volume, the higher the counts in the sample. The isotope dilution principle is only true when working with a closed system, where no radiopharmaceutical is allowed to leak out the system being measured. Also, the volume of the unknown must not change significantly during the measurement. In most cases, red cell volume measurements are performed in a closed system using radiolabeled red blood cells.

1.      Plasma Volume Determination

Plasma volume measurements are performed using radiolabeled albumin. Albumin does not remain within the intravascular space but diffuses rapidly into the extravascular compartments. Since this vascular space is now an open system. Use of the closed system isotope dilution principle for calculations would cause errors in the plasma volume results. If the injected radiopharmaceutical leaves the open–system at a slower rate than the uniform mixing rate within that system and samples are taken only after mixing has been completed, the volume can be obtained by an extrapolation procedure.

Procedure of the test

a.      Materials

(1)   Patient is administered with 10 µCi I–125 human serum albumin contained in 1.5 ml.

(2)   Tc99m human serum albumin can also be used for labeling efficiency at time of injection must be performed and must be at least 98% bound.

(3)   Heparinized blood is the sample of choice.

b.     Patient preparation

(1)   Patient should be at rest and supine for at least 15 to 20 minutes prior to starting the study. Plasma volume decreases when a person is standing because venous pressure increases in the legs and water moves from the intravascular to extravascular space.

c.       Tracer administration and sample collection

(1)   Prior to tracer administration, collect a background heparinized blood sample. Inject the radiolabeled albumin intravascularly, taking care to avoid infiltration of the dose. The exact volume injected must be known for the calculations; therefore weighing the syringe on an analytical balance before and after injection is recommended.

(2)   The difference between the pre–injection and post–injection syringe weight is equivalent to the volume injected.

(3)   Record the exact time of injection.

(4)   Do not rinse the syringe with blood.

(5)   Three – 10 ml heparinized blood samples are collected at exactly 10, 20 and 30 minutes post–injection from a venous site different from the injection site.

d.     Sample handling

(1)   Centrifuge the samples and pipette 1 ml aliquots of plasma into labeled counting tubes.

(2)   Prepare a standard by diluting a duplicate dose (10 µCi I–125 human serum albumin in 1.5 ml) into a 500 ml volumetric flask.

(3)   Again, the exact volume must be known, so the syringe should be weighed. Do not rinse the standard syringe in water.

(4)   Mix well by inverting and shaking the flask.

(5)   Pipette duplicate 1 ml aliquots of the standard into labeled counting tubes.

e.      Counting

(1)   Adjust the pulse height analyzer of the scintillation spectrometer to count I–125.

(2)   Count each 1 ml sample for a time period that is long enough to assure a counting error no greater than 1%.

(3)   After counting, adjust all samples to net counts per minute by subtracting patient background from the patient samples and room background from the standard samples.

f.       Calculation

The net count per minutes of each post–injection sample is plotted against time on semi–logarithmic graph paper. The best straight line is drawn through these points. The zero activity is estimated by extrapolation; this value is used to calculate the total plasma volume (TPV) using the equation:

TPV          =          volume injected x net standard activity
                                    Net patient activity at time zero

g.      Source of error

(1)   If the radiopharmaceutical is infiltrated, an erroneously high result will be obtained.

(2)   If the patient contains a radiotracer from a previous diagnostic test and the count rate of the post–injection samples is not corrected for this contamination, an erroneously low result will be obtained. Inaccurate measurement of the injected volume and the standard volume can cause errors in the results.

2.      Red Cell Volume Determination

Radiolabeling of red blood cells for red cell volume measurement is referred to as random labelling. This process labels all cells in the sample, from youngest to the oldest erythrocytes or erythrocytes of random age.

The most commonly used radionuclides for random red cell labelling are Tc99m pertechnetate and Cr–51 sodium chromate. Due to the high elution rate of Tc99m pertechnetate from the labeled red cells, this tracer is not recommended for red cell volume determinations.

Methods used for Red Cell Volume Determinations

a.      Ascorbic Acid Method

(1)   10 ml of whole venous blood is collected from the patient into a 20 ml syringe containing 2 ml of the anticoagulant acid–citrate–dextrose (ACD) solution.

(2)   After inverting to mix, transfer blood into a sterile vial.

(3)   Add 30 µCi Cr–51 to the vial.

(4)   Gently mix and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature.

(5)   During this time, 80% – 95% of the chromate ion is transported across the red cell membrane and binds to the beta chain of the hemoglobin molecule.

(6)   The hexavalent chromate ion is reduced to trivalent chromic ion.

(7)   50 mg of ascorbic acid are then added to reduce the free chromate to chromic ion. This prevents extracellular chromate from labelling circulating red cells.

b.     Wash Method

(1)   10 ml of whole venous blood are collected from the patient into a 20 ml syringe containing 2 ml ACD anticoagulant.

(2)   After mixing, transfer blood into a sterile vial.

(3)   Centrifuge this mixture at 1000 to 1500 g for 5 to 10 minutes.

(4)   Remove and discard the supernatant plasma, taking care not to remove any red cells.

(5)   Add 30 µCi Cr–51 to the packed red cells and mix gently.

(6)   Allow this mixture to stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.

(7)   Wash the labelled red cells in 4 to 5 ml isotonic saline, then centrifuge at 1000 g for 5 to 10 minutes.

(8)   Remove the supernatant saline, resuspend the labeled red cells in saline and recentrifuge.

(9)   After the last centrifugation, resuspend the red cells in saline to the original volume. This method removes all of the free chromate ions so that the reinjection mixture contains only red cell bound to Cr–51.

Procedure of the test

a.      Materials

Use red cells labeled with 10–20 µCi of Cr–51 sodium chromate

b.     Patient preparation

Patient should be at rest and supine for 15–20 minutes prior to the start of the study. A patient background sample must be collected.

c.       Tracer administration / sample collection

(1)   Inject intravenously 5 ml Cr–51 labeled red cells.

(2)   Record the exact time of injection

(3)   Do not rinse the dose syringe with patient’s blood.

(4)   Withdraw 10 ml blood into a heparinized tube from a vein other than the one used for tracer injections. In seriously ill patients, a delay of up to 30 minutes for complete mixing may be necessary.

(5)   In cases such as polycythemia vera and splenomegaly, serial post– injection samples at 30, 60 and 90 minutes should be collected.

d.     Sample handling

(1)   Perform a microhematocrit determination on the stock–labeled red cell mixture and on each post–injection blood sample.

(2)   Prepare a standard from the stock–labeled red cells by diluting 2 ml of the labeled cells into a 100 ml volumetric flask. Again, the exact volume must be known. Therefore, the syringe must be weigh before and after dilution.

(3)   Bring the volume in the flask up to the line using distilled water. Mix well by inverting and shaking.

(4)   Pipette duplicate 1 ml aliquots of the standard into counting tube labeled “standard whole blood.”

(5)   Pipette 1 ml whole blood from each post–injection sample into a counting tube labeled “sample whole blood.”

(6)   If the ascorbic acid labeling method was used, centrifuge the remaining stock–labeled red cell mixture and each post–injection sample at 1500 g for 10 minutes.

(7)   Pipette 1 ml plasma supernatant from each sample into labeled counting tubes. The standard counting tube should be labeled “standard plasma” and the sample counting tubes should be labeled “sample plasma.”

e.      Counting

Set the scintillation spectrometer to count Cr–51. Count each 1 ml sample for sufficient time to ensure no more than a 1% counting error. Adjust all samples to net counts per minutes by subtracting the patient background from the patient samples and room background from the standard samples.

f.       Calculations

If ascorbic acid labeling method was used:

                              Volume          (net standard             x          dilution)
TRCV       =          injected          (counts                                   factor)            
                                                      Net whole blood samples counts

                              x          decimal hematocrit

If wash labeling method was used:

                              volume [(net whole          x dilution)  – (net plasma     x standard) ]
TRCV       =          injected [(blood counts     factor)              standard counts  plasmacrit)]
                              Net whole blood sample counts – (net plasma   x  sample
                                                                                                          (Sample counts   plasmacrit)
                                        x    decimal hematocrit

plasmacrit = 1 – decimal hematocrit

g.      Sources of error

(1)   Infiltration of the labeled red cells will cause erroneously high results.

(2)   Damaged erythrocytes or excessive binding of the Cr–51 by leukocytes or platelets will yield spuriously high values.

(3)   Falsely low results are caused by a failure to obtain a pre–injection blood sample in a patient who has previously received radioactive tracers.

(4)   All blood samples must be mixed well prior to hematocrit determinations and pipetting of samples.

(5)   Cr–51 should not be added to the ACD solution before the patient’s blood is added to the vial. Dextrose contained in the ACD solution acts as a reducing agent and inhibits red cell binding.

h.     Normal ranges
Men                Women

Total blood volume                   55 – 80            50 – 75
Total red cell volume *†            22 – 35            20 – 30
Total plasma volume                30 – 45            30 – 45

*95% confidence limits
†Valid at sea level only

3.      Technical considerations

a.      Even in healthy normal individuals, there is considerable variation in blood volume among persons with identical height and weight. In patients with diseases such as cachexia, heart or renal failure with edema, ascites or obesity, an even greater variation in lean tissue mass must be taken into consideration.

b.      Blood volume varies with body size, body type, sex, disease state, basal metabolic rate, nutritional state and amount of physical work.

c.       Blood volume varies with season, arterial oxygen content and changes in body position.

d.     In normal persons within the ideal weight range, lean body mass makes up a constant fraction of total body weight. In these individuals, blood volume correlates well with weight. When fat is excessive (obesity) or deficient (emaciation, cachexia), corrections must be made to obtain an adjusted ideal weight. Since fat has a vascularity of approximately 20% adjustments can be calculated to permit a comparison of an individual’s blood volume with normal values.

e.      From a precise measurement of red cell or plasma volume and venous hematocrit, the volume of the other compartments and therefore total blood volume, can be calculated in normal individuals. Normally, there is a fixed relationship between whole–body hematocrit and venous hematocrit, with ration of 0.89 to 0.92. The whole body hematocrit is usually lower than the venous hematocrit due to variations in blood vessel size throughout the body.

f.        In splenomegaly, the ratio of whole–body to venous hematocrit may be unpredictably increased to greater than 1.0. In patients, with polycythemia, plasma volume abnormalities as well as red cell volume abnormalities may be present. Therefore, in clinical situations, total blood volume can only be reliably measured by performing simultaneous independent measurement of red cell volume and plasma volume.


The red cell survival study determines the mean survival time of 51Cr–labeled autologous red cells in patients with hemolytic anemia.

1.      Materials

Chromium–51 is labeled to heparinized red cells with the ascorbic acid labeling technique. Chromium activity is adjusted to 1.5 µCi per kg body weight, with a minimum activity of 50 µCi.

2.      Tracer administration and sample collection

After labeling, the red cells are injected and the first blood sample is obtained 24 hours later. This time period permits removal of cells that were damaged during the labeling procedure from the circulation, as well as clearance from the blood of any injected plasma activity. Heparinized blood sample are obtained from the patient, every other day, for the next 3 weeks.

3.      Sample handling

On the day of collection, 5 ml well–mixed whole blood is pipetted into labeled counting tube. A pinch of saponin powder is added to the tube and mixed to lyse the red cells. These samples are then stored at 4oC until the last day of the study. Hematocrit determinations also are made on each sample on the day of collection.

4.      Sample counting

On the last day of the study, all samples are counted on a scintillation spectrometer with setting of 280 to 360 keV for 51Cr. Samples are counted long enough to give a counting error of 1% or less.

5.      Calculations

a.      The net count per minute of each sample is plotted on semi–logarithmic paper as a function of time.

b.      The best straight line is drawn through all the points.

c.       The half–time is obtained by extrapolating the line to time zero, which is the Y intercept. Divide the Y intercept value by 2.

d.     At this value on the y–axis, draw a straight line parallel to the x–axis until it intersects the best straight line drawn through the data points.

e.      Drop a perpendicular line to the x–axis. This value is the mean survival time of the labeled red blood cells.

6.      Sources of error

Shorter red cell survival time will appear if patient loses blood during the study. If the patient receives blood transfusions during the study, the mean survival time will appear shortened.

7.      Normal values

The mean half time of normal 51Cr labeled red cells is from 25 to 35 days. As normal red cells age, they are removed from the circulation at a rate of 1% per day. Therefore, the true mean survival time of a normal random red cell population is 50 to 60 days. If this normal 1% per day removal is coupled with the 1% per day elution of the 51Cr from the red cells, the combined mean half time is 25 to 35 days.


This test determines if the spleen is the site of red cell destruction in a patient who has evidence of increased red cell destruction. A splenic sequestration study is routinely performed in conjunction with a red cell survival study.

1.      Materials

Use 51Cr red cells, 1.5 µCi per kg body weight

2.      Patient preparation

a.      Counting begins 24 hours after injection of the 51Cr labeled red cells.

b.      The patient is placed on the examination table and the skin is marked with indelible ink.

c.       Transparent tape is placed over each anatomical location and patient is instructed not to remove or wash off marks.

d.     Counting continues every other day for 3 weeks.

3.      Counting

The following anatomical locations are marked for counting:

a.      Precordium

With the patient in the supine position, the detector is centered over the left, third intercostal space at sternal border.

b.     Liver

With the patient in the supine position, the detector is placed over the 9th and 10th ribs on the right midclavicular line.

c.       Spleen

With the patient in the prone position, the detector is placed two thirds of the distance from the spinal process to the lateral edge of the body, at the level of the 9th and 10th ribs.

The same counting geometry must be present each time the patient is counted. Sufficient counts should be collected to give a counting error of 5% or less.

4.      Calculations

Results are expressed as the ratio of the net organ counts per minute to the net precordium counts per minutes for each day. These ratios are then plotted on linear graph paper as a function of time.

5.      Sources of error

Inconsistent counting geometry from day to day will cause spurious results. Blood loss or transfusion during the counting interval also will affect results adversely.

6.      Normal values

The normal spleen to precordium ratio is between 0.5 to 1.0 and the normal liver to precordium ratio is 0.5. An initial spleen to precordium ratio greater than 2.0 indicates an increased splenic blood pool. A progressive, gradual increase over the course of the study indicates active splenic sequestration of the labeled red cells.  


The consequences of untreated Vitamin B12 deficiency are extremely serious and include certain hematological abnormalities such as anemia, neurological defects and, if the condition is untreated, death. In the early stages, the symptoms of the deficiency are vague and insidious.

Causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency

1.      Inadequate intake

2.      Malabsorption

a.      Absence of intrinsic factor

(1)   Congenital
(2)   Addisonian pernicious anemia
(3)   Total gastrectomy
(4)   Subtotal gastrectomy

b.      Excessive excretion of hydrochloric acid: Zollinger–Ellison syndrome

3.      2o intestinal malabsorption

a.      Destruction, removal or functional incompetence of ileal mucosal absorptive sites.

b.      Competition with host for available dietary Vitamin B12

(1)   Diphyllibotrium latum (fish tapeworm)
(2)   Small–bowel lesions associated with bacterial stagnation (jejunal diverticula, strictures, blind loops, etc.)

c.       Pancreatic insufficiency*

(1)   Paraaminosalicylic acid (PAS)
(2)   Neomycin
(3)   Colchicines
(4)   Calcium–chelating agents

d.     Drug therapy

4.      Genetic abnormality in transport protein transcobalamin II.

*Although any of these agents may produce abnormalities in Vitamin B12 absorption, only patients on long term PAS therapy have been reported to develop clinical evidence of Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Procedure of the test

A.    Stage I

1.      Materials

The procedure requires 0.5–0.6 µCi labeled 57Co Vitamin B12. It is so important that this oral dose be in the range of 0.25–2.0 µg of Vitamin B12, the amount that might be present in a typical meal. Quantities above this level may be absorbed by a mechanism not dependent on the presence of intrinsic factor. Labeled urine containers large enough to hold a 24–hour sample are also needed.

2.      Patient preparation

a.      The patient should have nothing to eat after midnight, the night before the test and should remain fasting for 2 hour following the oral dose of 57Co– labeled Vitamin B12.

b.      The patient should not receive enemas or laxatives or be scheduled for a barium enema or intravenous pyelogram for the duration of the study.

c.       Due to the effects of hepatobiliary recirculation, treatment doses of Vitamin B12 should be discontinued 2 to 3 days prior to starting Schilling test.

3.      Dose administration / Sample collection

a.      The 57Co Vitamin B12 capsule is administered orally with water.

b.      Two hours later, 1 mg of stable cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) is given intramuscularly.

c.       Non–radioactive Vitamin B12, sometimes referred to as the “flushing dose,” causes temporary saturation of the normal binding sites in the plasma and results in renal excretion of a portion of the absorbed tracer dose.

d.     Excretion of radioactive vitamin B12 is maximal between 8 and 12 hours after administration of the flushing dose.

e.      Two 24–hour urine collections are obtained, one for each 24–hour period.

f.        The patient should be instructed to collect all urine during this period.

4.      Sample handling

After mixing each 24–hour collection well, the total volume and specific gravity of each sample is measured. Two 5 ml aliquots are pipetted from each 24 hour urine collection into labeled counting tubes. A standard is prepared from the reference standard solution supplied with capsules.

5.      Sample counting

All samples are counted with a scintillation spectrometer set to count 57Co. Each sample is counted for a sufficient time to ensure no more than 1% counting error. All sample counts are adjusted to net counts per minute (cpm) by subtracting the room background radiation.

6.      Calculation

The percentage of the administered dose excreted is calculated for each 24– hour urine sample using the following equation:

% excreted     =          net cpm urine sample                         x              urine sample/sample volume
                                                net cpm standard                                                 standard dilution factor

7.      Normal values

Day 1              ≥ 9%
Day 2              ≤ 1%

8.      Sources of error

a.      The loss of just one urine sample may cause falsely low results.

b.      In patients with abnormal urinary retention, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy, the amount excreted in the first 24 hours will be reduced.

c.       Significant amounts of radioactivity will continue to be excreted for the next 24–48 hours, so that the total excretion will eventually be within normal limits. For this reason, it is recommended that two separate 24 hour urine specimens be collected following the “flushing” injection of cyanocobalamin.

d.     Excretion of other previously administered radionuclides can cause erroneously high results.

B.     Stage II

If the absorption of 57Co Vitamin B12 is low when compared to normal individuals, then a second absorption test is performed by giving hog intrinsic factor along with oral dose of labeled Vitamin B12. This test determines if the cause of the malabsorption is due to an absence of intrinsic factor.

1.      Materials

In addition to the materials described in Stage I, a 10 mg dose of intrinsic factor is needed.

2.      Patient preparation

Same as Stage I

3.      Dose administration / sample collection

The 57Co Vitamin B12 and intrinsic factor are administered orally with water simultaneously. The remainder of the test is the same as described for Stage I.

4.      Normal values

Day 1              ≥ 9%
Day 2              ≤ 1%

5.      Sources of error

a.      When the radioactive Vitamin B12 and the intrinsic factor are given in separate capsules, there may be incomplete binding of the two in the stomach, which gives a false–negative Stage II Schilling test. It is recommended that prior to administration, the radioactive Vitamin B12 and intrinsic factor be mixed together in water.

b.      If hog intrinsic factor is used, a negative result does not completely rule out intrinsic factor–dependent malabsorption, since some patients who have been previously exposed to hog intrinsic factor (present in many multivitamin preparations) may have antibodies against it.

c.       Vitamin B12 deficiency can produce small bowel megaloblastosis with atrophy, which may cause ileal malabsorption. If a Stage II study is performed before Vitamin B12 therapy is started and the ileum is allowed to heal, a false–negative result will be obtained.

C.    Stage III

1.      Having determined that the Stage II Schilling test is truly abnormal, other causes of malabsorption must be investigated.

2.      If bacterial overgrowth is suspected, treatment with a broad spectrum antibiotic followed by a repeat Stage I Schilling test is performed.

3.      If pancreatic insufficiency is suspected, a repeat Stage I Schilling test can be performed after the administration of pancreatic extract.

D.    Dual Isotope Method

1.      The conventional Schilling Test of Vitamin B12 absorption just described is done in two stages, requiring at least 1 week for a final result if Stage I is abnormal.

2.      A modified Schilling Test is available in which Vitamin B12 labeled with two different isotopes of Cobalt, is administered. One form, 57Co labeled Vitamin B12 is already bound to intrinsic factor by prior incubation with normal human gastric juice, and other contains non–protein bound 58Co–labeled Vitamin B12.

3.      The two capsules are ingested orally, followed by injection of non– radioactive Vitamin B12 and two–24 hour urine collections.

4.      Differential isotope counting is then performed to determine the percent administered dose of each isotope that has been excreted in the urine. A patient with normal Vitamin B12 absorption will excrete the same amount of both isotopes, while a patient lacking intrinsic factor will excrete greater quantities of the intrinsic factor bound 57Co–labeled Vitamin B12. In patients with bacterial overgrowth or small bowel lesions resulting in Vitamin B12 malabsorption, both isotopes will be excreted in abnormally low quantities.

Advantages of dual isotope method

(1)   The practical advantage of taking only 2 days, instead of 1 week to obtain result leads to earlier diagnosis and treatment and saves money.

(2)   The use 57Co bound to human gastric juice eliminates the use of hog intrinsic factor preparations, against which some patients may have developed antibodies.

(3)   While an incomplete urine collection is undesirable, some information can often be salvaged from 57Co:58Co ratio.

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