07 September 2016


Practical methods for reducing exposure

1.      Time – minimizing the amount of time spent in a radiation on a field will limit the total radiation received. Practical applications of the time factor include working efficiently when handling radioactive materials and practicing new procedures with non–radioactive materials until the desired speed and accuracy are attained.

2.      Distance – increasing the distance from a radiation source will decrease the amount of radiation received. The radiation dose rate (the dose per unit time) from a small volume radiation source varies inversely with the square of the distance from the source. By doubling the distance, the radiation dose rate is reduced to ¼ of the original. If the distance is halved, the dose rate is increased to 4 times the original.

I1                      =          (d2)2
I2                                  (d1)2

            Where:           I1 – dose rate (intensity) at distance d1, from the source
                                    I2 – dose rate (intensity) at distance d2, from the source

a.      If 10 mR/hr is measured at 3m, what is the dose rate at 0.5m?

10 mR/hr                    =          (0.5 m)2
      I2                                        (3.0 m)2

I2  x 0.25 m2                =          10 mR/hr        x          9m2

            I2                      =          10 mR/hr        x          9m2
                                                                  0.25 m2

                                    =          360 mR/hr

b.      If 150 mR/hr is measured at 20cm, at which distance will 95 mR/hr be measured?

150 mR/hr                  =                (d2)2               
 95 mR/hr                                  (20 cm)2

            (d2)2                 =          150 mR/hr      x          400 cm2
                                                                 95 mR/hr
            d2                    =          632 cm2
                                    =          25 cm

3.      Shielding – involves the use of a material to absorb radiation transmitted from a source.

a.      Alpha particles can be completely stopped by a sheet of paper.

b.      Beta particles can be absorbed completely by a few millimeter of plastic (e.g. syringe)

Pure beta emitter should not be used with lead because bremsstrahlung will be produced

Bremsstrahlung is radiation that results from the deceleration of the beta particles as they approach the nuclei of the lead atoms in the shield. As the beta particles slow down, they lose energy that is released in the form of X –rays.

c.       Gamma & X–ray particles, lead shield are used to reduce rather than completely absorb the radiation emitted from a source.

Half–Value layer (HVL) – is defined as thickness of a material required to reduce the radiation intensity to half its original value. This is the ability of a material to absorb or attenuate x–rays and gamma rays.

                        HVL of lead for selected radionuclides

                                    I–125                           0.04 mm
                                    Tc–99m                      0.27 mm
                                    Cr–51                          2.0 mm
                                    I–131                           3.0 mm
                                    F–18                            4.1 mm
                                    Cs–137                        6.5 mm

Personnel Monitoring Device

1.      Film badges

The film consists of a plastic holder in which a strip of photographic film is held between a set of filters. Following development, the amount of darkening (density) on the film is proportional to the amount radiation absorbed. The three or four filters are each made of a different material (lead, copper, aluminum, plastic) so that the energy range and penetration of the radiation striking the badge can be assessed.

The film badge holder also has an opening where the film can be exposed to beta particles and low energy photons. Film badges are effective in measuring radiation exposures of 10 mrem to several hundred rems.

Film badges should be worn between the waist and the shoulder at the site of the highest exposure rate to the body.

2.      Themoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) – uses lithium fluoride crystals that emit a quantity of light proportional to the amount of radium absorbed by the crystals. The light is released and measured when the crystal are heated to an extremely high temperatures. This is less affected by humidity and temperature.

3.      Pocket Ionization Chamber – used as a supplementary monitoring device. Immediate radiation exposure measurements are provided through a separate reading device. The amount of ionization is directly related to the amount of radiation exposure.

NRC Regulations

A.    Occupational Dose Limits – are based on the concept of “acceptable risk” which is the dose levels cited in the regulations which are below to develop radiation–induced diseases such as cancer or genetic changes. This is formerly called maximum permissible dose.

1.      Dose equivalent – product of absorbed dose and effective quality factor

Dose equivalent             =          absorbed dose  x  effective quality factor
                                          =          rem or Sv (SI unit)

Effective quality factor – differences in biological effectiveness for different
                                                      types of radiation
                                          – unit (x–ray, gamma and beta)

Effective dose equivalent (EDE) – sum of the weighted dose equivalents for irradiated tissues or organs. It takes into account the different risk associated with irradiation of different organs and tissues.

2.      Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) – sum of the deep dose equivalent (DDE) and the committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE)

DDE    +  CEDE  =   TEDE

Deep Dose Equivalent – refers to external exposure, considered when EDE of 1 cm in tissue or organ

a.      Lens Dose Equivalent – DE to the lens of eye of 0.3 cm.
b.      Shallow Dose Equivalent – EDE of 0.007 cm (and average over an area of 1 m2)

Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE) – refers to internal exposure

a.      Committed Dose Equivalent – total DE over 50 years period resulting from the intake of a radionuclide into the body.

b.      Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE) – sum of the weighted CDE’s for each irradiated organ or tissue.

c.       Annual Limit on Intake (ALI) – amount of radionuclide taken into the body during a year.

LDE                =          5 rem
TODE             =          50 rem

d.     Derived Air Concentration (DAC) – concentration of radionuclide in air breathed for 1 working year (2000 hrs) would results in an intake by inhalation of one annual limit or intake.

Terms used to describe INTERNAL and EXTERNAL exposure

1.      Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) – radiation exposure to an organ or tissue resulting from both external and internal radiation


2.      Total Organ Dose Equivalent (TODE) – organ receiving the highest dose.

TODE  =   DDE   +   CEDE

            Occupational Dose Limits (Annual)

1.      Adults

TEDE                    =          5 rems
TODE                   =          50 rems
LDE                      =          15 rems
SDE                       =          50 rems

2.      Minors                             10% of annual dose

3.      Embryo                            0.5 rems

4.      Public exposure             0.1 rems per year

B.     Posting requirements for radiation area

1.      Unrestricted Area – is one in which access is not limited by or under the control of the radioactive materials licensee. Radiation levels in an unrestricted area must be such that anyone who is in the area will receive less than 2 mrem (0.02 mSv) in any 1 hour.

2.      Restricted Area – if radiation level is more than mrem in one hour

a.      “Caution: Radioactive Materials”

These words are used to indicate any area in which certain quantities of radioactive materials are used or stored.

Quantities of Selected Radionuclide Requiring Posting with “Caution: Radioactive Materials”

Radionuclide                        Quantities exceeding
            Co–57                                                 1
            Ga–67                                                 10
            St–89                                                   0.1
            Mo–99                                                0.1
Tc99m                                                            10
I–123                                                   1
Xe–133                                               10
Cs–137                                                0.1

b.     “Caution: Radiation Area”

These words are used to denote areas in which an individual could receive more than 5 mrem (0.05 mSv) in 1 hour at 30 cm.

c.       “Caution: High Radiation Area”

These words are used to designate areas in which an individual could receive more than 100 mrem (1 mSv) in 1 hour at 30 cm.

d.     “Grave Danger: Very High Radiation Area”

These words are used to post an area in which an individual could receive an absorbed dose of more than 500 rads in 1 hour at 1mm.

C.    Other NRC Regulations

1.      Surveys must be performed to monitor for external radiation exposure and surface contamination in locations where radioactivity is routinely stored or used.


NRC requires that all shipments of radioactive materials display a radioactive label be wipe tested

Types of Radioactive Labels

1.      Yellow I (white)        –          <0.5 mRem/hr from package surface

2.      Yellow II (yellow)    –          1 mR/hr at 1 m from package surface

3.      Yellow III (yellow)   –          200 mR/hr from package surface

4.      Type A                       –          > 20 Ci of Mo99
–          100 Ci of Tc99m
–          10 Ci of I–131, Cs–137, Ir–192
–          70 Ci of I–125

5.      Type B – used for very large quantities of radioactive material

TI – is referred to Transport Index and should appear as label of the radioactive package.

Procedure for Wipe Testing

1.      Visually inspect the package for signs of damage or moisture.

2.      Measure exposure rates at the package surface and at a distance of 1m from the surface. If the exposure rates exceed 200 mRem/hr at the surface or 10 mRem/hr at 1 m from the surface, notify the NRC and the carrier delivering the shipment

3.      After opening the package, verify that the contents match the packaging ship and check the integrity of the radionuclide container.

4.      Wipe the external surface of the container, assay the wipe and decontaminate the container and exterior surface as required. If removable contamination exceeds 22 dpm/cm2 x 300 cm2 (6600 dpm or 0.003 µCi) of container surface, notify the NRC and the carrier through the RSO.

5.      Monitor the packaging material for contamination and remove the radiation labels before discarding the packaging material. If the materials are contaminated, dispose them as radioactive waste.


Methods of Waste Disposal

1.      Decay in Storage

In this method, radioactive waste is separated according to half–life. After the waste has been allowed to decay to background radiation levels, the radiation symbol are defaced and the waste is disposed of along with other non–radioactive trash.

If the waste contains potentially biohazardous materials, then it should be incinerated after the radioactivity has been decayed to background levels.
According to NRC, only radionuclides with a half–life of less than 65 days maybe decayed in storage. Materials must be held for a minimum of 10 half-lives and be monitored to ascertain that there is no measurable radiation emitted from waste before final disposal.

2.      Sewage Disposal

The amount of soluble waste that maybe discharged into sewer system is based on the rate of waste–water discharge from a facility. NRC regulations specify that maximum concentrations and total amounts that may be disposed of by this method.

It is important to note that radioactive urine or feces are exempt from any limitations and may be discarded through sewer system.

3.      Incineration

Special permission is required by this method.

4.      Transfer to authorized recipient

Long lived radioactive waste can be disposed of by transferring the material to an authorized commercial waste handler. Such companies either bury the material at an approved site or incinerate the waste. Any radioactive materials transferred for disposal must be packaged and labeled according to the US DOT requirements.

5.      Release to atmosphere

Radioactive gases may be discharged directly into the atmosphere in limited quantities. Maximum airborne concentrations are specified in the NRC Regulations.


Decontamination is a procedure of removing radioactive contaminant from a surface.

1.      Minor contaminations

a.      Clear the area where the spill has occurred and notify other personnel in the immediate vicinity

b.      Wear disposable, protective clothing such as shoe covers, gloves and lab coats.

c.       Contain the spill in a limited area. Place absorbent material over liquids as soon as possible

d.     Place all materials used to mop up the spill into plastic bags.

e.      Remove any contaminated clothing or protective gear and discard with other contaminated materials.

f.        Label all radioactive materials and dispose of them properly with other contaminated materials.

2.      Major contaminations

a.      To prevent the spread of airborne contamination, shut off fume hoods, ventilation, heating and air conditioning equipment

b.      Remove contaminated articles before leaving the area.

c.       Evacuate and close all doors to the area.

d.     Lock the doors and post warning signs

e.      Begin contamination of personnel involved.

f.        Notify the RSO immediately. Clean up and decontamination of major spills should be conducted under the supervision of the RSO.

3.      Personal

a.      Contaminated clothing should be removed immediately before leaving the area of the spill.

b.      Mild soap and warm water should be used to remove contaminations on the skin.

c.       The use of abrasive cleansers and brushes to clean the skin should be avoided.

d.     The treatment of serious injuries always takes precedence over decontamination.

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